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Cloudy Water Week+


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I've had a cloudy water issue for the past week. At first, the tank got moderately cloudy for two days. I figured it was a bacterial bloom. A couple days later, even more cloudy. At this point, I couldn't even see my rockwork. Again, I figured it was part of the bloom. Now a week or more into cloudy water, it hasn't cleared.


I did have a welsophyllia die in the tank the week before. Removed the skeleton before it polluted the whole tank.


I started using Kent Pro-clear for marine a few days ago with no success. A 50% water change helped but still moderately cloudy.


Tank has been running for 4 months




75g display

29g sump

Light biological load


filter floss in the sump

chaeto in the sump






I'm not a beginner. Actually 4 years or so into the hobby, but I feel this is somewhat a beginner problem.

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what corals do you have? possibly chemical warfare? maybe the Welso released something before it kicked the bucket and not the other softies are fighting back? try running some carbon.

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Haven't thought about those factors.


Other corals:



Kenya tree




Any other opinions?

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Well, I'm pretty sure I know what part of the issue is. When I reached into the tank for the wellsophyllia, it was normal, today I went in to fix some rocks, and the tank temp spiked up to 85 degrees!!! Heater malfunction.


Can't really tell because it is so cloudy, but I think I'm already having some die-off. Second time this has happened in the past 2 years... :/


... or get a UV.


Wish I would've known this earlier. Would've picked one up just to keep the other half from griping all week.

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well that sucks, what kind of heater was it? im soo paranoid about this i change my heater every year.. even if its working like a champ or not...

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Well, I'm pretty sure I know what part of the issue is. When I reached into the tank for the wellsophyllia, it was normal, today I went in to fix some rocks, and the tank temp spiked up to 85 degrees!!! Heater malfunction.


Can't really tell because it is so cloudy, but I think I'm already having some die-off. Second time this has happened in the past 2 years... :/




Wish I would've known this earlier. Would've picked one up just to keep the other half from griping all week.

Looks like it's time to invest in a controller.

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Nothing I would love more than a controller, but I can't really afford it ATM.


It was a tetra brand adjustable, which is funny because I've used their cheap preset ones for years with no problem.

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