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Moving away, 30G tank, what to do

Skill Thiz

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Hi, I'll be moving in November 2012, latest April/May 2013, depends on budget.


I have a 30G cube. Only CUC and live rock+sand in it. Awaiting my light (It's shipping :D) then adding clowns and corals in a few weeks.


How would I go about moving my system, is their anyway to do this?


Thank you so much guys.

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Buckets with lids seem to work pretty good when moving things from one place to another. Also depends on how far you're traveling and the weather.

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About 3 hours to the new place :(

That's not too far just buy some buckets or even some 30-50 gallon trash cans with lids. Put rocks with water in one or some of the buckets, sand and water in another, fish in another and corals in another and cover to keep the water from splashing everywhere. The more buckets the better so there is more oxygen in the water for them to survive the trip.

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