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Cultivated Reef

Red Sea Prizm Protein Skimmer questions


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Has anyone used the Red Sea Prizm Protein Skimmer before? If so, is it any good? Should I get the deluxe upgrade for it? I ask, because a buddy of mine got it with a bunch of stuff and had no use for it, so he gave it to me but couldnt really tell me anything about it, figured id take it and see if its any good. I havent used it yet as my tank is not setup just yet, wanna make sure its a decent skimmer before i setup the tank. If its not good, can you recommend a good skimmer for a 10 gallon nano, i know i dont need a skimmer, but i want to run one anyways.

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most people would say its a POS, there are a lot of HOB skimmer to choose from, go more research


i wouldnt bother with a skimmer with a 10 gal tank, just do weekly water changes and you should be golden

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Yea they are really finicky constantly need a adjustment BUT you were given it and they do work if you set them correctly. I wouldn't bother at all with the deluxe kit thats a big joke.. But you can really make it haul ass if you feed a wooden airstone in the reaction chamber and you could always throw floss in the overspill for more filtration too. But hey you got it free why not use it?


You could also throw your heater in there too if you'd like lol

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I had one years ago,don't remember much about it.I would agree with the other poster about it not being necessary. Water changes done weekly should do it for you. It may be a better idea to look into one of the aqua clear filters to do the refug mod on.

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