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Coral Vue Hydros



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Hello, this is my first DIY project ever in my life and I have been looking a lot of tutorials and stuff and it looks easy. But I have such a bad luck with everything and I swear at the end this lights aren't going to turn ON like my computer lol.


Anyways I just want to ask some questions like if you guys think the position of the lights is okay like that and if I am right about the cables positive and negative. And I have another question there's 2 positives and 2 negatives; What is the difference between then? Because with the test battery thing I have if I put the cables in 2 specific lots the light turns on and if I put them in the other two spots the light stay off. Thank you


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Hello, this is my first DIY project ever in my life and I have been looking a lot of tutorials and stuff and it looks easy. But I have such a bad luck with everything and I swear at the end this lights aren't going to turn ON like my computer lol.


Anyways I just want to ask some questions like if you guys think the position of the lights is okay like that and if I am right about the cables positive and negative. And I have another question there's 2 positives and 2 negatives; What is the difference between then? Because with the test battery thing I have if I put the cables in 2 specific lots the light turns on and if I put them in the other two spots the light stay off. Thank you


Post it in the lighting forum and I am sure you will get an answer



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Only use one + and one - pad per LED and you'll be fine.



And they're way too far away from each other. Bring them all together in the middle, I don't imagine you're covering a large area with so few LEDs.

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