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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Used giessman infinity pricing question


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Just curious what you guys think my 48" giessman infinity light fixture would be worth. It's the dual 250 watt halide with four 54 watt t5's. It's also anodized blue from the factory if that matters.

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Just curious what you guys think my 48" giessman infinity light fixture would be worth.
Whatever somebody is willing to pay for it. ;)


IDK, it's been awhile since I've priced used equipment. If it's in good shape, you might ask anywhere from 25 to 50% of the cheapest price that you can find online for the newest model (minus the price of bulbs, if they are included).


You can't offer them a warranty and the buyer has to assume the bulbs need replaced (even if you claim they only have a week's use on them). Subtract for cosmetic damage; and subtract for any marks on the reflectors. The buyer runs the risk of purchasing this item, having it go bad, and needing to buy a replacement.


You can always check what others are asking for used equipment online; however, that isn't necessarily what they are getting for it (it's just what they are asking for it). There actually might be fewer people interested in blue. It stands out more than black or silver, and it might not fit the decor of their room (or match their other equipment, stand, or tank trim).

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