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Removing LR from tank.


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So, I am wanting to set up this Aqueon Evolve 4g. Right now I don't have any DR or anything to put in it. I want to know if I can take LR out of my cube an not replace it with anything for a few weeks. I don't have much livestock. Three small frags(Candy and Green Appl Zoa's and a Blue shroom), two Saddleback Clowns, Fire Fish and a Carpenters Wrasse.


I was thinking of makeing the 4g a LRWFO and getting a Watchman Goby w/ pistol shrimp. Should I just wait until I can replace the LR with DR or would it be ok removing now. If it's ok to do it now should I just keep an eye on my params or will I see any type of cycle?



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I didn't find a tank thread, was trying to see how much rock you have in your cube already, but from what I can tell you don't have much. Unless you've added more, I would make a trip to the lfs for a few choice pieces of cured LR for both tanks.

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