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2 clowns, 1 algae blenny, and ________ ?


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I have a 17 gallon tank, with 2 small clowns, 1 algae blenny, full CUC, but i think at some point i will want 1 more fish. I have very basic fish so far, what is something exciting that i can put in? either really cool looking, or very cool personality? I had a Firefish before and it did the leap of death after about a month , and i had a yellow watchman for 1 day that did the same thing the first night i had him. The Clowns i have had for 6 months, and the blenny for 3 months. Everything is going great tankwise, but i dont know what to do if i ever decide i want a 4th fish, so give me some options ! tell me what you think is cool, fun, and compatible with what im working with. thanks in advance !


Also, here are some pics of my tank, sorry for the cloudy glass. and the crap cell phone picture....





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a geometric pygmy hawkfish

oh yeah, if you could tell me Why also, im new into the hobby, and of course i would look anything up and research before buying it , but what is the reason you are recommending it? are they just cool looking? or do they have fun weird behaviours? any info would help !

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Is your alge blenny a Lawnmower blenny?

If so I'd say your stocked as your fish will grow.

If not I'd recommend a goby of some sort possibly a goby/pistol combo as they are super fun.

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If not I'd recommend a goby of some sort possibly a goby/pistol combo as they are super fun.


Yeah, for the hour each month that you get to see them :lol: :lol:

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Yeah, for the hour each month that you get to see them :lol: :lol:


Seriously, I'm done with bottom dwelling fish. For the most part they are shy, easily disturbed, finnicky fish that hate my guts.

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Yeah, for the hour each month that you get to see them :lol: :lol:


My Yellow Watchman Goby and Pistol shrimp are out in the open all day long. I had a yasha goby that hid all the time though.

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Where are the fishies hanging out in the water column and tank?


Does your tank have any interesting features that aren't being utilized (caves, etc?).

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No more, that blenny will grow quite large.

yeah i think it may even almost get too big. I hadnt ever seen a LARGE adult until last week, and i was at a new LFS and i saw what im hoping is a full grown Lawnmower blenny and it kind of scared me , it was a lot bigger than the i thought it would get. i was thinking maybe 5 inches, but this thing looked bigger, and had a much fuller body, it would pretty big in my tank and i imagine a pretty big bioload. If that takes a few years then fine, i might have another tank by then anyways, but if it grows really quick then i might have to rehome it, i dont wany anything to suffer. I would miss him though, he does have a funny little personality. He loves to follow me around the room im in and check out what im doing.


And yes there is some unused space at the moment, i was also thinking a pistol/goby pair. is the pistol shrimp okay to house with my cleaner shrimp?

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yeah i think it may even almost get too big. I hadnt ever seen a LARGE adult until last week, and i was at a new LFS and i saw what im hoping is a full grown Lawnmower blenny and it kind of scared me , it was a lot bigger than the i thought it would get. i was thinking maybe 5 inches, but this thing looked bigger, and had a much fuller body, it would pretty big in my tank and i imagine a pretty big bioload. If that takes a few years then fine, i might have another tank by then anyways, but if it grows really quick then i might have to rehome it, i dont wany anything to suffer. I would miss him though, he does have a funny little personality. He loves to follow me around the room im in and check out what im doing.


And yes there is some unused space at the moment, i was also thinking a pistol/goby pair. is the pistol shrimp okay to house with my cleaner shrimp?


I know what you are talking about, when I first got my LMB for my biocube14 he was about a inch long and in the last 4 months he has grown to almost 3.5 inches. If i wasn't currently upgrading I'd be trying to find him a new home.

In your tank stick with the 3 unless you re-home the LMB then you might be able to get 2 smaller fish as long as they don't compete for tank space.

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