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New Skimmer Bubbles >_>


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Just got my skimmer, it is a classic here on nano reef, the SWC Xtreme 160 Cone :D


Been setup up for an hour, producing nothing but white foam (despit changes in air intake)

Also releasing a butt load of microbubbles


Can i assume this is allpart of the skimmer breaking in? If so how long does it normally last for this model?

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also have you dosed anything to your tank lately? with the water too dirty or if you dosed your tank, it might affect the skimmers performance.


let it run for 1 day and see if the skimmer is still release a ton of bubbles into the water. if it is, i would do a 20% water change and observe it for a day. repeat until the skimmer starts to skim.

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also have you dosed anything to your tank lately? with the water too dirty or if you dosed your tank, it might affect the skimmers performance.


let it run for 1 day and see if the skimmer is still release a ton of bubbles into the water. if it is, i would do a 20% water change and observe it for a day. repeat until the skimmer starts to skim.

Well, they say that they just got it, so it's well within the break-in period, so it's most likely the cause.

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