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What is this on my coral?


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it's hard to tell with the picture and a description of which thing on your coral you are referring to, but if you are talking about the tube about 1/2 up the trumpet coral, then it looks like it could be a vermetid snail. if you are talking about the red coloration, it is probably coraline algae...


A clearer pic from a different angle would help more positively ID it.

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Yeah not the coralline. But the tube looking thing. Is that good or bad it's even there

For a few days. An when I took it out of the tank I couldn't see it afterwords

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Yeah not the coralline. But the tube looking thing. Is that good or bad it's even there

For a few days. An when I took it out of the tank I couldn't see it afterwords



If it is a vermetid snail, then it's bad if it bothers your coral and you don't like it; it's neutral otherwise... Keep in mind, my ID is not positive without a better picture. Also, I have no idea what you are asking or saying above, please re-phrase so that we can get a better idea of what you are asking and/or telling us.

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Can we get a close up picture of what you are actually trying to identify ...


It is hard to tell from what you posted.


Also for coralline algae (the purple) to grow on the stem of a coral is most unusual, from what I see in the picture I think it is the base color of that coral but there is something else on there and I cannot ID that from the picture.


Please post a close up. TKS



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I see a majano on there. Is that what you're talking about? Small brown bubble-tipped anemone thing?

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I see a majano on there. Is that what you're talking about? Small brown bubble-tipped anemone thing?



i thought it was some sort of anemone too and the worm looking thing is right in the middle of it. should i remove it somehow


heres another view



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i thought it was some sort of anemone too and the worm looking thing is right in the middle of it. should i remove it somehow



Yeah, here:



Majano with something sticking out of it's mouth.


Remove it carefully. You can probably irritate it's base with some forceps to encourage it to release and then carefully get underneath it and lift it off. Don't mangle it.

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Looks like aiptasia. Get some aiptasia x and nuke it immediately.


Trust me, it's a majano. I intentionally grow these things.

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are they bad for the tank though? and do they grow like wild fire?


i tried to remove it then it climbed back into its little hole

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are they bad for the tank though? and do they grow like wild fire?


Depends on the conditions in your tank. They will absolutely take off in a dirty tank with poor lighting. They like higher nitrates. My pest tank is almost too clean for them to flourish. I have to feed them to get them to split and multiply.



That one looks like one of these:




I have a bunch of those. They're fairly common.


In a pest tank, majanos are awesome. You can't kill them and many of them are really pretty. I wouldn't want them in a normal tank though.

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Ah. It's in a hole?


A couple options. You can try to entomb it in super glue. If it doesn't have any through-holes that it can escape to that can work. It's in a tricky position to put a piece of shell or rock on top of it to encourage it to move, but that's another option if you can figure out how to do that.


They can move, and if they don't like where they are, they will.


i may glue the little hole shut haha


Yeah, do this, and glue any other holes that might connect through to the hole it's in.

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