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Cultivated Reef

my new reef


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ok well I have been cycling my reef for a month now and I have 6 weeks to go. So I should better get started on stocking. So I have a few questions and here the are. Is a tridachnid clam ok for a in a ten gallon tank? if so what is their matinince like? and last are mushroom coral and recordia the same care leval? my Lighting is a T5 coralife mini light and it is the same one that my pet store uses

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ok well I have been cycling my reef for a month now and I have 6 weeks to go. So I should better get started on stocking. So I have a few questions and here the are. Is a tridachnid clam ok for a in a ten gallon tank? if so what is their matinince like? and last are mushroom coral and recordia the same care leval? my Lighting is a T5 coralife mini light and it is the same one that my pet store uses


How much wattage is the t5 I'm assuming it won't be enough for a clam, ric are more finicky with water quality than most other cauliform mushrooms

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I suggest getting a much better light. I have that same one on my 3 gallon and it's only moderate light. On a 10 gallon you'll have issues keeping even low light stuff. Get a 20 inch 4 bulb t5 of you want a shot at a clam

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ok well I have been cycling my reef for a month now and I have 6 weeks to go.


A ten week cycle?!? That seems a little over the top, no?

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I have two of those lights. I briefly used both of them over a ten gallon.


Over a ten gallon you're only really going to be okay for softies (your mushroom will be okay) and non-photosynthetic corals. You might be able to get away with some LPS (that you're feeding directly). There is no way you can keep a clam with it, or sps. I'm not sure about the rics, but they might be okay.

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