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Innovative Marine Nuvo 8 gallon


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I just started cycling my innovative marine nuvo 8 gallon. I'm really pleased with the design and look of it, I have a few questions. Heat, I have the AC on everyday at like 73, ambient room temp is like 72 why is my topless 8 gallon nano at 79-80?


Also do they make any upgraded pumps I look into? The stock pump is rated at 94gph but I'd like a little more flow without adding a powerhead. I tried adding my Koralia 240 and it just takes away from the sleekness of the tank.


It came with a top but I don't like how it looks and it doesn't cover the back part where the chambers are so opted for now not to use the top.


Thanks in advance for your help and suggestions.

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Micro-Reefs Aquariums



The problem with the AIO systems is that they are a mini-trap of not allowing heat to escape. The solution is simple remove the top and a lot of heat is lost and the tank cools.


Only problem is you have done this with little results and the reason is simple.


It's most likely then the return pump transferring heat into your system.


We specialize in AIO cold/tropical systems and you may pick up one of our return pumps that only puts out 4 watts while giving you 180 gph.


They are on our site if you are interested in just the replacement upgrade pump for your AIO.



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make a vent or add some computer fans on there to come on at a desired temp. or add a chiller. but like mike said something inside the water might be adding heat to your tank ie: your pump.



good luck post up pics if you can!

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Thanks! I'm trying to post pics it won't let me :(




The problem with the AIO systems is that they are a mini-trap of not allowing heat to escape. The solution is simple remove the top and a lot of heat is lost and the tank cools.


Only problem is you have done this with little results and the reason is simple.


It's most likely then the return pump transferring heat into your system.


We specialize in AIO cold/tropical systems and you may pick up one of our return pumps that only puts out 4 watts while giving you 180 gph.


They are on our site if you are interested in just the replacement upgrade pump for your AIO.





I like the sound of that... going to your site now!!

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Micro-Reefs Aquariums

The 12 gallon JBJ systems along with every other predecessor was plagued with heating issues. This was because of the close lids.


When you removed the tops you rid yourself of some heat but then you also lost the look of the tank, it no longer looked clean as it was meant to be viewed.


In a desperate move they even made chillers for the units but they overheated in the small cabinets and they were very loud and consumed a lot of energy.


They were later dropped as a source to cool these cubes.


You have to find a way to allow the heat to exchange away from the confined tank, fans will also work but cause evaporation issues.


You might seriously consider replacing the pump, most times AIO systems come with cheap pumps that are notorious heat conductors.


Hence the cheap price of the tank to begin with.



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The problem with the AIO systems is that they are a mini-trap of not allowing heat to escape. The solution is simple remove the top and a lot of heat is lost and the tank cools.


Only problem is you have done this with little results and the reason is simple.


It's most likely then the return pump transferring heat into your system.


We specialize in AIO cold/tropical systems and you may pick up one of our return pumps that only puts out 4 watts while giving you 180 gph.


They are on our site if you are interested in just the replacement upgrade pump for your AIO.





Is it the Hydor one? will it fit the plumbing thats on my tank? I'll order ow if it will work,that will do the trick with flow also!

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A fan very effectively cools my nuvo 8. My indoor temps can get into the upper 80s where the tank is, and a fan blowing across the water keeps the temp in the low 80s. On only semi warm days I point the fan at the overflow area, keeping the cover on the front and even that makes a difference in the temp (and much less evap.)

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  • 8 months later...

I just started a reef in this tank, too, and I've just been keeping the cover off. Until I get some fish in there, I wanna utilize that top down view as much as I can, and it's a band aid for the heating issue. I'll be watching your thread to see if you're able to solve the problem.


Check out my tank if you get a chance!



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