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Coral Vue Hydros

Pink bubble forming on Zoas


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Hi all,


We've got a pink "bubble" forming in the center of our Zoa. It kind of looks like slightly crystalline bubble gum.


I've appended a picture here. Sorry for the poor quality. I've got LED's and it's hard to capture the real look of the bubble.


Any ideas what this is?




Allen Cronce


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Sorry, I couldn't see the bubble but if you mention about the center (mouth) then it's look normal.

What I'm talking about is this pink mass in the upper center. I took another picture, turning down the blue LED's and cranking the white. It's still a crappy picture, but maybe you can see what I'm talking about.


The mass definitely looks like a bubble. It varies in size, but seems expanded today.


I've never seen anything like this with this Zoa before. We've had it for a couple of years now.




Allen Cronce


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