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6 line wrasse was stuck in rock when i removed it!


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i was putting some of my corals on my rock with the marine epoxy and when i went to sit it in my plastic container my wrasse hopped out i eventually just picked him up with my hand and tossed him back in. he was only out for about a minute. hes been in the front corner in his mucus cocoon, which is prolly due to stress, any chances he will make it?

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i was putting some of my corals on my rock with the marine epoxy and when i went to sit it in my plastic container my wrasse hopped out i eventually just picked him up with my hand and tossed him back in. he was only out for about a minute. hes been in the front corner in his mucus cocoon, which is prolly due to stress, any chances he will make it?


I would imagine that he would be fine. You're biggest concern should be keeping him protected and out of harms way from any other tank-mates. Many fish can sense his distress and could pray on him. He should have a better fighting chance once he calms down, keeping the lights off for a few hours should help him relax and also make the other fish think its night time.

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