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Cultivated Reef

Should I add Coralline algae to my tank? Not worth the trouble?


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I'm staring at a bag of coralline scrapings I just got from the LFS. Should I add it to my tank and seed the base rock? :huh: I'm reading some forum posts that say coralline is a huge hassle and not worth having. Any advice or insight would be appreciated.

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I'm staring at a bag of coralline scrapings I just got from the LFS. Should I add it to my tank and seed the base rock? :huh: I'm reading some forum posts that say coralline is a huge hassle and not worth having. Any advice or insight would be appreciated.

I guess it depends on the individual. I don't mind it. I will tell you though, once it starts showing up on your glass, it never stops. It definitely has no relents.

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IMO, if you can keep it on the BR/LR, it's well worth having. Keeping it off the glass is another story. W-

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I've personally only had 2 tiny patches of coraline on y glass and I left it alone. It grew the first month and never spread, even almost a month later. Not sure why, but I guess I'm lucky.


Scrapings are more likely to get it everywhere, but they prefer to grow on calcium based rocks. A razor blade will work to scrape it off easily.

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I honestly didn't know it was possible to keep corralline out of your tank...I think it looks really nice on rocks though. Regularly clean your glass to keep it from building up.

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I am having coraline growing everywhere now and I think it's real nice and pretty and adds some dimension to the tank. I don't care if it grows on the back of the tank...even a little bit on the sides, but I am trying to keep it off the front. So far I have a pink coraline and a nice celadon green one.

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