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Open Brian Coral unhappy?


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Hey Guys


I have a Open Brain coral, that i have had for about a month now. The first few days it was open and beautiful to watch. Some days later it would just stay closed. I did some water testing and everything looked good. I moved it to 3 other spots in my tank to see if it would like it better there, but still the same result. One day it started to open and stayed that way for a couple of days. Now he's all closed up angry as usual. I haven't moved him since then, its laying on a rock at the bottom of my tank.


It will only "open" or blow up at night, its not losing any flesh and its not slimy either. It eats if i feed him and i have yet to see any of my livestock bother him. I do weakly water changes.


All my other corals look great, i bought some frags and they look great as well. Just my Open Brain that won't open :(


I did some testing today and every thing looks good, i can't test for calcium or alkalinity yet but new stuff is on its way.


Salt: 1024

Silicate: 0.5 - 1ml

PH: 8.2-8.3

Phosphate: 0,1+-

Nitrite: 0

Nitrate: 0

Temp: 25-26C


I am using seachem Multitest to test my water.


My tanks is a RSM 130, with Tunze skimmer, Mediabasket, and fresh new T5 lightning (stock ones)


Any tips or help would be greatly appreciated.

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It will only "open" or blow up at night,


Have you tried putting it lower, on the sand, or somewhere that it doesn't get direct light?

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Welso do best when not blasted with light ON the sandbed. I would place it on the sandbed and leave it alone. They sometimes take 7-10 days to acclimate to a new location. I have found once they are happy and open do not move them.

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Have you tried putting it lower, on the sand, or somewhere that it doesn't get direct light?


Its pretty low now, but il move it to a darker possition.


Welso do best when not blasted with light ON the sandbed. I would place it on the sandbed and leave it alone. They sometimes take 7-10 days to acclimate to a new location. I have found once they are happy and open do not move them.


Allright, il move it to a darker location and leave it there.


Didnt know about the 7-10 days to get acclimated



Thanks for the input guys

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Don't put it in total shade kinda off to the side if light is dead center. To much shade it will lose the color pop. I think it needs to be on the sandbed and untouched for awhile. It will acclimate over time to the new spot. But moving it every few days thinking it is unhappy is not helping it.

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