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Brown Algae on Purple Gorgonian


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I picked up a purple gorgonian last week and it seems to constantly getting brown algae growth on it which requires me blowing it off every day. The thing is, I have no other issues with brow algae in the tank.


I read gorgonians shed a waxy coating. Could it just be that waxy coating turning brown?


It is located in a place where it gets enough flow to make the entire piece move and shimmy

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Is it photosynthetic or non-photosynthetic? NPS gorgs need to be kept in very low light or film algae will grow on them and smother them.

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There needs to be enough flow to blow off the shedding skin. They shed to keep the algae off of themselves, atleast the purple photosynthetic whip ones do. Mine does this as well. Even direct flow is better than not enough flow for these corals. Most people would say never to put a coral in direct flow, but in this case it is different. Lots of flow.

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. Most people would say never to put a coral in direct flow, but in this case it is different. Lots of flow.


How much flow is needed? It sways pretty good where I have it when it gets blasted. I have it in almost direct flow in 30 second increments from a Koralia 425 and a hydor rotating head which blows directly on it in its path.


Guess I can up in the increment to see if that helps

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as long as it sheds its skin it should be fine. Sounds like you already have some flow on it. I would just wait it out for a bit and see if anything changes, maybe check your nutrient levels. It can take time for corals to settle in.

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It can take time for corals to settle in.


It does seem to be looking a little better every day. Mostly just the tips of the branches need to be blow off and the polyps are really starting to come out now.

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