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Cultivated Reef

Transferring LR and Stock to new tank


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Hey everyone! I recently set up a new 30gal JBJ Rimless AIO (just got the sand and ~25lbs base rock in today). I'm going to be transferring about 15-20lbs of cured/established LR from my 20gal, along with the livestock (paired Occ Clowns, Royal Gamma, Green Dragonet, few assorted corals). My question is how long should I wait before making the transfer? I'd really prefer to do it sooner than later as the 20gal tank is located in a spot where I'll be starting some construction soon. Any recommendations?

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The term base rock is used in a couple of different ways. Is the base rock dry, or is it fully cured live rock that is less attractive than typical live rock?


Make sure you don't transfer your livestock into a tank with partially cured rock. If you need to, you can cycle it in a bucket of saltwater and a powerhead before using it.


However, if it's clean, dry rock, you should be able to transfer it immediately.

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Sorry for the bad terminology. It is (was) completely dry rock, so no dead/dying organic matter present.


Thanks for the help!

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