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Rimless tanks


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If you really want quality and have the ability to avoid shipping costs then ADA should be at the top of your list. I picked up my ADA 60P in person at the San Francisco distributor. I would have ended up spending nearly as much to have one of the imitators shipped to my house. This isn't true for all ADA tank sizes, though. Some of them are just exorbitant.


There's also the DoAqua! line for a lower price if you don't care about low-iron glass.

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The budget rimless tanks are Mr Aqua tanks. They also make a low iron glass version on the 7.5 and 25g cubes. These can be found on marinedepot.com. People are generally very happy with the quality of them. Of course if you had more moolah you could go the ADA route. For custom work you could check out picoaquariums.com (closed for the summer).

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Miracles in Glass built mine. Good price, and the shipping wasn't too bad either. But, I really have no idea what size you are looking at, and if it's not very large, then you have a lot of easy options that are really low price and great looking.

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something that comes reef ready..


any rimless in that size is going to be rather pricey. all things considered, how much are you looking to spend?



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something that comes reef ready..






What you want is a crazy deal on the Deep Blue Edge series 75...

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hes only looking for the tank, and even if thats the case getting it online will cost hundreds to ship. Especially for a reefready tank. He's better off looking around a local forum, craigslist or lowering his standards.


it's not impossible but it's a bit unrealistic for the size he's looking for

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reef ready as in AIO? or you mean $400 for tank+ lights + pumps + sump+ a million other things i can't list?


Reef ready is a common industry term for a tank that has been drilled with an overflow. It has nothing to do with being an AIO...

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Check out Cadlights they have some nice tanks they stock as well as do custom work. Also side note, Chris at PiCo is not doing custom work at this time......I know because I was wanting him to do some!

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