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Clownfish injury?

Deleted User 3

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Deleted User 3

One of the clown fish when i got him/her had like a missing small circle, on his/her white stripe, and now i notice it has more of it? it just looks like the white is gone like she/he lost a couple scales. My apology for no great pics but... Its a little tricky. This is as good as I can get, it does look like spots there, but not when I look, it looks more dark, like he's missing scales. Also, they're in hyposalinity for ich, been.. I'd say 3 weeks almost. The other day it got hot in the tank while I was at work (im talkin like 92, the heater was cranked up for some reason), but i slowly lowered it back and they're eating and still acting fine, doing the normal dominance dancing.





Also it's on both sides, more towards the top, and it looks 'pocketed'

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Deleted User 3

It kind of reminds me of MHLLE pics. But it would have started @ petco since i noticed it in the bag on the way home w/ them.

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It kind of reminds me of MHLLE pics. But it would have started @ petco since i noticed it in the bag on the way home w/ them.


Why not treat them with an antibiotic and be done with it?

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Deleted User 3
Why not treat them with an antibiotic and be done with it?


How would I know to treat w/ that if i don't know what it is?

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Deleted User 3

bump, anyone? It seems he/she doesn't want to eat today (im trying to cut down on excess nutrients and only feed hikaria FD daphnia).. the one with the putting look on both sides. Should I dose them both with melafix or primafix?

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Melafix and primafix are pretty weak in my experience. If you want to switch to antibiotics you need something a bit stronger like maracyn or maracyn 2. I have looked at that picture 100 times and I still can't tell what you are talking about. I would just stay focused on the ich right now.


If he has lost a scale I imagine he won't have trouble healing from it. Fish can heal from most injuries on their own.

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Deleted User 3
Melafix and primafix are pretty weak in my experience. If you want to switch to antibiotics you need something a bit stronger like maracyn or maracyn 2. I have looked at that picture 100 times and I still can't tell what you are talking about. I would just stay focused on the ich right now.


If he has lost a scale I imagine he won't have trouble healing from it. Fish can heal from most injuries on their own.


It's hard. They move so much. But it looks like MHLLE... its like pits around his eye and his upper head. had it since i got him but now there are 10x more 'pits' than there were when i got him. The other one doesn't have his. I wonder if it's lose scales or something? I'm sorry I wish i could get a good photo. It's on both sides of his head and part of the spine by it.

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