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Moving to texas any nano reefers out there?

Builder Anthony

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Builder Anthony

Found out ill be driving out to texas and probally spending at least a year there.I dont really know anyone out there but two people that ive worked with in the past.ANyone from out there?Im not sure of the exzact adress or city yet but its a 98 percent go so let me know.

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Well I'm a college nano-reefer (college is in Massachusetts) and I permanently live in Dallas, Texas. I extend to you a warm Texas welcome!

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It would be cool if you could be in Dallas for MACNA this year. I have family in the Dallas area, it's pretty nice. They seem less enthused about Houston. Sorry if that's where your going. ;)

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You'll need to be a little more specific than "texas". That's kind of like saying you live somewhere between main and virigina. :P


I'm in DFW, and the MACNA convention is happening in DFW at the end of september.

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Texas is a big place, no idea where you'll be?

If you get down to way south Texas, come on in, I always have cold beer in the ice box!

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They seem less enthused about Houston. Sorry if that's where your going. ;)


Houstonian's say the same thing about "BIG D". Home of the $30K a year millioniare and their leased BMW. :lol: LOL!


Big Howdy to B.A. - you will find Texas Hospitality almost any where you land...

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i'm located in the DFW metroplex. good luck with your move and i'd suggest you pack for very warm weather, all year long.

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Aaustin Texas here! Whats macna?
It's pretty awesome if you have never been before. I recommend it to anybody who is within a couple hours drive of Dallas.



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Builder Anthony

Well austin texas is where ill be but im used to warm weather i was in arizona for 5 and a half years and it was 118 one time!Im going to look at some pictures online and see whats in store.

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Well austin texas is where ill be but im used to warm weather i was in arizona for 5 and a half years and it was 118 one time!Im going to look at some pictures online and see whats in store.


Hot hot hot for 8 months. Its actually been rainy and cooler - 90s all week. Thankful too as im about to lose a/c efficiency in my house as a contractor installs a patio door 10 feet from my reef tank. A bit nervous today :o

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Builder Anthony

i just realized that thats tornado alley!ya id be scared to with someone working around the tank.

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