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lion fish in 29g biocube


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So I am strongly considering trading in my black clown and cardinal and getting a dwarf lion fish. I have a 29 gallon bio cube with a custom LED hood. My back chamber is setup with multiply sponges, chemi pre elite and activated carbon. My middle chamber is a refugium with a small sand bed, live rock ruble, and cheato. And my pump chamber is stock pump and heater. I have a large CUC including hermits so i know they will probably turn into lion food. I also have a pistol shrimp goby combo but they have been in the tank for a few months and have tons of tunnels so i think they will be safe. As far as corals my tank is mainly full of coral. I have all different corals including sps, lps, softies and some dendro. I guess my questions are will my goby and pistol be safe? Do you think it will be a suitable habitat for a dwarf lion? will it bother coral? And would it be recommended to add a skimmer (have not ran a skimmer ever had tank for about six months)? And just any other relevant input. Thanks.

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I think your good to go, in the first back chamber get an in-tank media basket with Carbon GFO and filter floss. Hermits and snails should be safe. I don't know about the goby though.

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So just got a dwarf lion last night and boy is he gorgeous (will post pics later). I'm still wondering if my corals will be safe, and if anyone has any input on a skimmer or not (I went from 2 clowns and a cardinal to a lion).

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Corals should be fine. Hes a fish eater and will not mess the your corals other then maybe rest/lay on them. Skimmer is an option , ,I always recommend one others will say not necessary. It mostly depends on you and your maintenance as far as water changes,how frequently you do them or want to do them. I have a 20L and do weekly w/c and run a skimmer. Have fun with your new fish.

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