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Cultivated Reef

Lightning clown update...

mike c

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My LFS is getting a pair in. fingerscrossed


If your LFS is getting any in, they'll be the castoffs that aren't suitable for breeding. It would be foolish of Mr. Pederson to relieve himself of any offspring that have any potential to continue on in his breeding program. With how much he has invested to date (time and money), it would be absolutely absurd for him to let go of good stock.

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Actually I will be letting go of "Good stock" specifically to diversify the risk so that the hobby can have this beautiful wild variant from PNG "locked down" and preserved. I remember as a kid reading about the "Tutwiller Butterfly" Betta, a strain that one breeder developed. He never told anyone how he did it, the strain didn't get passed on, and it ultimately vanished from the hobby. Anyone seen Albino Pseudochromis sankeyi lately? Granted, I'm OK with "Designers" that pop up in captivity turning around and vanishing, but the Lightning Maroons weren't captive freaks; they're mother nature's kitchen.


The main concerns here for me now is to ask that other breeders follow my lead in both ensuring that the PNG bloodline is maintained, and that we keep this a sa white stripe maroon. I don't expect for a second that the latter will happen because EVERYONE seems to white a "Gold Stripe" Lightning Maroon...the problem I have there is that it does nothing to preserve the PNG provenance, and in fact, there are people who believe (with good reason) that Gold Stripe and White Stripe Maroons are probably distinct species. Nevermind that to create a "Gold Stripe Lightning" would not happen with the very first crossing, but would then require one or even mutliple generations of breeding to "weed out" the "white stripe" genetics and ensure they're consistently overwritten by good "gold stripe" genetics.


HMM...I may have to copy that post and use it on my blog at some point.

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The main concerns here for me now is to ask that other breeders follow my lead in both ensuring that the PNG bloodline is maintained, and that we keep this a sa white stripe maroon.


And that is the crux of the situation right there. Not just anybody will be able to purchase the good stock from an LFS. I expect that you will carefully review the breeders who are interested in participating in the breeding program: to ensure that they are not only capable, but that they will abide by the guidelines set forth by you.


Having been an active participant in several livestock breeding programs (including one fiercely protected linebreeding program), over the course of twenty years+, I do know and understand that there is tremendous value in working with other like-minded individuals. The risks in releasing good stock to unvetted individuals are far too high so early in the process.

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If your LFS is getting any in, they'll be the castoffs that aren't suitable for breeding. It would be foolish of Mr. Pederson to relieve himself of any offspring that have any potential to continue on in his breeding program. With how much he has invested to date (time and money), it would be absolutely absurd for him to let go of good stock.

They are $5,000 apiece. And everything's already lined up. Our client is willing to pay, and so it will be.

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They are $5,000 apiece. And everything's already lined up. Our client is willing to pay, and so it will be.


Hmm...first I've heard of it... awfully presumptive since I'm the one holding the merchandise ;)

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Hmm...first I've heard of it... awfully presumptive since I'm the one holding the merchandise ;)


iball should provide you with the client's name. $5000 a piece would go a long way towards upgrading your facilities and expanding your breeding program (and send you and the fam on a nice Caribbean cruise). ;)

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iball should provide you with the client's name. $5000 a piece would go a long way towards upgrading your facilities and expanding your breeding program (and send you and the fam on a nice Caribbean cruise). ;)


Indeed...sure would like to know about these $5000 offers.

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actually the main imported or fish place that got the fish first has the right for the 1st or 2nd clutch...i think

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Well that escalated quickly!


It's almost a separate hobby battling the simply erroneous information out there surrounding these fish. I think it's really telling how much you have to take EVERYTHING you read on the internet with a big bag 'o marine mix. Bravo to you for being able to man up and say "sorry, was mistaken" - especially in a setting where normally, someone who's wrong opts to go on a flame war instead.


Still, would love to know if you have a buyer with $5K cash per fish ;)

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But yes he is willing to pay 5K per fish, that we know.


How many does he want? ;)


That does not answer anything


Actually, I think that answered just about everything, but was there something specific that wasn't clear (in addition to the question you're about to have answered)?


The guy said they were wild, and that he has not sold any of his yet?


The original Lightning Maroon and her mate are wild fish. The fish we are talking about being "for sale" at some later date, are the first offspring of captive bred maroon clowns from that pairing. None of these offspring have been offered for sale yet as none are market size. They are still probably well less than 1 CM in length, they are only 19 days old at this point. If I can get them to market size in the next 70 days, it will be a huge success.

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if I were him...slow release controlled the supply hence controlled the price...milk all you mother####ers! LOL

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if I were him...slow release controlled the supply hence controlled the price...milk all you mother####ers! LOL

Like the diamond trade? Lol, but I dont think its about the money. I get the feeling MWP is about the hobby, and expanding the interest of the hobby to others. Granted, if you can a buck, sure.

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