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20 gallon ideas?


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So I'm moving all my fish and coral from my 20 to my new 30 and I'd still like to keep the 20

It's been set up so long it's pretty much self sustaining


What do u guys think I should do!?

Something cheap and easy to care.

I was thinking a dwarf Octo but can't find any...

What do u think I should dO?!

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So I'm moving all my fish and coral from my 20 to my new 30 and I'd still like to keep the 20

It's been set up so long it's pretty much self sustaining


What do u guys think I should do!?

Something cheap and easy to care.

I was thinking a dwarf Octo but can't find any...

What do u think I should dO?!

You could do a rock work that was really low on one side that sloped up to the top on the other, fill it up 3/4 with water and try some of those crabs who spend some time on land and some in water, as well whatever u want in the deep water part. Don't really know much about them but they look cool!

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Why don't you leave the 20 exactly the way it is and play in the new tank?

This. If you take everything out of your 20 that is self sustaining, it will lose all fits abilitys to do just that. It'll be no better than the 20 sitting on petcos shelf.

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You could do a rock work that was really low on one side that sloped up to the top on the other, fill it up 3/4 with water and try some of those crabs who spend some time on land and some in water, as well whatever u want in the deep water part. Don't really know much about them but they look cool!

Theyre cool i just don't know where to get them



Why don't you leave the 20 exactly the way it is and play in the new tank?

Idk I would get bored

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This. If you take everything out of your 20 that is self sustaining, it will lose all fits abilitys to do just that. It'll be no better than the 20 sitting on petcos shelf.


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Deleted User 4

Get a new ada or mr. aqua with a new hob aquaclear filter and then transfer all your old corals/rocks/fish/inverts into it. There, you have a sweet looking clean and new setup.

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Get a new ada or mr. aqua with a new hob aquaclear filter and then transfer all your old corals/rocks/fish/inverts into it. There, you have a sweet looking clean and new setup.

Yeah but problem is it will cost$$$$$


Get a new ada or mr. aqua with a new hob aquaclear filter and then transfer all your old corals/rocks/fish/inverts into it. There, you have a sweet looking clean and new setup.

Yeah but problem is it will cost$$$$$

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I have always liked the idea of a nano carnivore tank. I would get one fumanchu dwarf lionfish and a frogfish.

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