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10w High power led


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I replied to your pm. My led is in the mail so once it is here I'll let ya know what I think. Hopefully arrives this week or early next.

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What kind of drivers do you run them on? And are 2 of these enough for a 40G tank? I've seen some DIY with the 20w LEDs and they were insane looking. But required large heatsinks and fans to keep them cool. Would love to get some links to some drivers for these bad boys.


Are these drivers that can be used for the LEDs?


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You may be able to email the ebay seller abut the driver required to run them. They should have some info about that.

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2 of these for a 40 breeder? I don't think so, at least not for corals. I would estimate 8-10 of these at least. Think of it this way. LED Watts = 1/2 MH watts. I know, I know people will bash me for this, but look Radion 120W ~ 250W MH. So with 2 of these you will be at 75W MH. :-)

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