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Cherub Angelfish Sick


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Hey everyone, I got a Cherub Angelfish for my BC29 two days ago, and since then it has refused to eat. I have tried formula 1 and 2 flakes, algae pellets and sinking wafers, spirulina brine, and frozen angel formula. I thought a couple of days without eating was normal, as it took my last fish a week to eat prepared foods, and the cherub has been picking at the rocks constantly. One thing that I've noticed is that if the Cherub gets too close to my occy clown the clown will chase it away. However, it has never really seemed that aggressive and I have never actually seen the clownfish touch the cherub. Today I noticed that the cherub has splotches of dull, almost gray color on both of its sides, that at a certain angle looks almost shiny. Still behaving normally, pickin off the rocks, swimming around, and being bosse around a bit by the clown. What do u think this is and do u think I should worry about it? Unfortunately I don't think I will be able to get a good pic because my camera sucks and the fish never stays put! Alright, well, that is pretty much all I know right now, so I am looking for ideas as to what it may be and how to proceed from here. If u need any other info from me, let me know. Thanks!

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  • 11 months later...

did anything come of this. i just dug up this thread. the same thing to the letter is happening to me now

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did anything come of this. i just dug up this thread. the same thing to the letter is happening to me now

Dang this thread is like a year old haha. Idk he just started eating I guess, I don't even remember this problem haha. The shiny marks, he still gets, but idk I think it must just be him rubbing up against the rocks, and hasn't caused any actual harm.

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Dang this thread is like a year old haha. Idk he just started eating I guess, I don't even remember this problem haha. The shiny marks, he still gets, but idk I think it must just be him rubbing up against the rocks, and hasn't caused any actual harm.


how is he with your coral a year later? jw

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how is he with your coral a year later? jw

Not bad...I've never seen him nip anything...tho I suspect he ate my acans and my Xenia (not enough to eradicate the Xenia plague in my tank tho). Never harmed SPS or anything else. Great personality too

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Not bad...I've never seen him nip anything...tho I suspect he ate my acans and my Xenia (not enough to eradicate the Xenia plague in my tank tho). Never harmed SPS or anything else. Great personality too


Dang, not what I wanted to hear. Thanks!

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