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Pod Your Reef

.75 gallon


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This is a tank I just set up for an under a gallon competition my local club is having. I thought you guys might get a kick out of it/ be able to give me some good advice. :)


Anyways here are a couple iphone pics.





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Equipment list:


Light is a par 20 eight watt bulb I picked up at home depot


Flow is supplied by an air stone; the air pump is siting in a mini cooler with a couple ice packs. I don't know if this is doing any good, I'm starting to think that it's not. LOL


I also have a little heater sitting dry in case I need it.


EDIT: Oh ya the tank itself is a recipe box from tap plastics.

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pretty neat! what do you plan to stock?


I'm not to sure yet; I decided no fish due to the lack of mechanical filtration. With the light I think I may be able to do some easy SPS or maybe even a little clam? My first idea was to hatch out a shark egg but that was before I got such a bright light.

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I finally took the time to use a real camera. Anyways nothing has changed just higher resolution pics. :)









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Builder Anthony

i think the spectrum on the home depot led bulbs are more towards red which really isnt good news.Youmight grow alot of algae and not support the correct spectrum.Something might grow under it though.

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i think the spectrum on the home depot led bulbs are more towards red which really isnt good news.Youmight grow alot of algae and not support the correct spectrum.Something might grow under it though.

This one is 7000k

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maybe a single pom pom or a coral banded.


softies would yield best in such a tiny tank. growing sps in such a tiny tank is just a pain. try cleaning inside w/o breaking a branch or something.



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maybe a single pom pom or a coral banded.


softies would yield best in such a tiny tank. growing sps in such a tiny tank is just a pain. try cleaning inside w/o breaking a branch or something.




Ya it would definitly be a pain. I have a 125 with lots of softies (my flame angel killed all the sps) so I was hoping to do something different with this one. Its also entered in a competion so I was hoping to do something challenging and exciting. :)


I would really love to do a tinny clam but I realize that's pretty unrealistic. The comp rules say I can't add any livestock (except CUC) until September, so I have a little while to decided exactly what I want.





I really like the Pom Pom idea I'm definitly going to do some googling on their feeding habits. :)

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Builder Anthony

im not sure what the k value reads but when i first started saltwater i used a 75 high pressure sodium bulb and its basicly a red spectrum.I wasnt able to keep corals long term with it and i still had it by the sunny window every day.but at that time i also didnt keep good water parameters.red spectrums i just stay away from.

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I put the light on my 125 to test it and it really does look like a 5000k radium next to my 20000k 250 watt HQI :(


My tank is 6 feet but only the right side is a reef. Anyways here are the pics





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  • 2 weeks later...

I added a double shot glass, it doesn't get much light but still kinda fun :)



This "chiller" actually works!!! It will lower the tank temp by 4 degrees. Plus it works as a muffler. :)





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Micro-Reefs Aquariums



This is a cute pico! I like the way you found a way to cool down the display tank! Micro-Reefs gives you thumbs up, wish we had the LIKE button.... :)

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This is a cute pico! I like the way you found a way to cool down the display tank! Micro-Reefs gives you thumbs up, wish we had the LIKE button.... :)



Thanks, I actually learned a lot from your thread here. I was going to use a tiny submersable pump for flow but you made me realize how much heat those little guys give off. I regret not purchasing one of your 1 gallon glass tanks, but the contest this little guy is entered in has a pretty strict budget cap; I guess I wouldn't have been able to add the shot glass either (contest rules state it must be under a gallon total).

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that little ice box is pretty neat! How often do you change out your ice packs a day?


I take them out and put them in the freezer every night (at which point they are completely melted) then in the morrning I put them back before I leave for work. It is deffiniytly not all that it could be but it works for the 8 hours I am at work. I am curious how much cooling power it could have if the ice box was bigger and able to hold a block of ice, with some kind of rack to keep the pump dry. Unfortunately I think most of my success is due to the size of the system (.75 gallon) I don't know how much difference it would make in even a two gallon tank???

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I've seen someone else set up theirs with a small canister filter surrounded by packs in 5 sides and enclosed in a cooler as well. It was a pico tank but I forgot how big it was...

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