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Added some live mysis


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In my ten gallon I use to have little swarms of pods in all the crevices of my tank. Then I though it would be a good idea to add a couple dozen live mysis. Well for a few days I saw a few here and there in those same nooks and corners. Well, now I don't see any mysis or swarms of little things, along with hardly any of the ones I use to see on the glass. So lesson learned, bigger plankton eats all smaller plankton then they all die off! D'oh

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Bongo Shrimp

Actually they probably didn't all die off but mysis are cannibalistic so they likely ate each other!

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Actually they probably didn't all die off but mysis are cannibalistic so they likely ate each other!


Not only that, but many species prey on copepods and smaller isopods.

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Tell me about it, it's been weeks and I barely seen any pods in my tank still. Some crawling around on the glass, a few swimming between rocks. Not the swarms of little dots that use to be in every dark corner.

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