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How often and how much should I feed


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I am curious how often and much I should feed my 2 baby maroon clowns . I don't want to over feed and then next thing have a tank full of bristles but I don't want to underfed either . I feed Rogers reef frozen food .

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I'm no expert but im sure most would agree that it's not the frequency but the amount that will cause probs. size of tank? Other livestock?

Twice a day and make sure you strain food so their only getting the good stuff and your water quality doesn't suffer from the added inedible (to fish) juices. My $.02

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Nano sapiens
I am curious how often and much I should feed my 2 baby maroon clowns . I don't want to over feed and then next thing have a tank full of bristles but I don't want to underfed either . I feed Rogers reef frozen food .


I've had a few clowns over the years and they do eat a lot if you feed heavy ('Goldfish of the sea') :). Any baby/young fish will benefit from small feedings multiple times per day since they need the energy to continue growing. Basic rule of thumb is whatever they can eat in 3-5 minutes (if food is left over, you've definitely fed too much!).

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Deleted User 3
I am curious how often and much I should feed my 2 baby maroon clowns . I don't want to over feed and then next thing have a tank full of bristles but I don't want to underfed either . I feed Rogers reef frozen food .


Just test it out, do a little, if they eat it all SUPER fast, then you know to give more next time. That's what i've been doing. Just adjusting.

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