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Any hope for this hammer?


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Just ordered some corals online. They were shipped overnight, and I got them this morning, but this is my poor hammer coral. Is there any hope for it? Did it overheat or what? I can't tell.


It's been in my tank all day and doesn't look any better or any worse.



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Just ordered some corals online. They were shipped overnight, and I got them this morning, but this is my poor hammer coral. Is there any hope for it? Did it overheat or what? I can't tell.


It's been in my tank all day and doesn't look any better or any worse.



Wow. Where did you buy these from? I'm no expert but it doesn't look too good..

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Just ordered some corals online. They were shipped overnight, and I got them this morning, but this is my poor hammer coral. Is there any hope for it? Did it overheat or what? I can't tell.


It's been in my tank all day and doesn't look any better or any worse.




If I were you I would get in touch with whoever sold you this as IMHO this coral is unfortunately not going to make it the way it looks now. I think you should get a replacement one or a refund



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I got it from Salt Critters. I already got store credit for it. Just wondering if there was any hope for it.

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That's terrible! I ordered a plate coral from saltcritters a few weeks ago. It was barely in enough water to acclimate it. I can't say I am honestly surprised of the fate of your hammer coral. Needless to say, after taking my plate to the LFS, and them doing everything they could for it, it died the next day. Sorry to hear about that, though, it's a real bummer. :(

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you know, lps corals always seem to be the most exciting at first but quickly become annoying.. at least in a nano tank.. they sting everything around them, you have to be careful where they are and they limit flow.. i would use the credit for something different

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you know, lps corals always seem to be the most exciting at first but quickly become annoying.. at least in a nano tank.. they sting everything around them, you have to be careful where they are and they limit flow.. i would use the credit for something different


I find softies such as Xenia and Kenya tree far more invasive than LPS - LPS are easier to frag and don't randomly drop babies into the current.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I find softies such as Xenia and Kenya tree far more invasive than LPS - LPS are easier to frag and don't randomly drop babies into the current.



I have some really annoying palys... Its a love hate relationship really... my LPS don't spread like wild fires, and unlike my palys I can move them easily if need be

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