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Blenny Problem!


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Last week I decided to purchase a bicolor blenny for my 12g. I was kind of uncertain if i wanted to because i read that they can have an appetite for SPS corals.Well, about 3 days after putting him in my tank, a couple of my SPS weren't looking too well. They were bleached looking and really irritated. This past weekend/past few days i have been out of town, but i came back to all of my SPS (6 pretty good sized pieces) that look like absolute crap. Could this be from the blenny or is something out of wack in my water chemistry? I did a 2 gal water change before i went out of town, and then when i got back i did another 4 gallons. It is hard for me to believe that 1 small blenny could wipe out all of my SPS in less than a week.


Do my SPS have any chance of making a comeback? I have finally figured out how to keep SPS, and my tank was starting to look really good, but now it looks like a waste land :( Any help or advice would be great!

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I've never heard blenny would pick on SPS's. I have a Midas Blenny which is a very peaceful fish and spend a lot of time in her cave looking at the outside world. I don't think there is much difference between bicolor and midas.

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I dont think there is either, except for their coloring. My friend has a twinspot blenny or whatever its called and it doesnt bother his SPS at all. Do i just have bad luck?

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Hmm.. Some of my sps have a little color still, but there isnt any polyps on em. And its only my sps. Anyone else experience this with a blenny?

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I had a blue and gold blenny eat pretty much all of my SPS. I saw him repeatedly nip and eat the polyps off of them. He then started on my favia so I rehomed him. Once I did that my SPS and favia were able to recover fully.

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I have experienced exactly that with a bicolor blenny but in my case he was just eating all the polyps on my SPS and some did die. What I did was remove the little guy and it never happened again lol. Thats just my experience, I might have just had a freak blenny.

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Ha thats the funny thing, whenever i go to look at the tank i only catch a glimpse of his yellow tail. And hes always swimming away from where my SPS are. But ive actually never witnessed him snack on em.


I have experienced exactly that with a bicolor blenny but in my case he was just eating all the polyps on my SPS and some did die. What I did was remove the little guy and it never happened again lol. Thats just my experience, I might have just had a freak blenny.


Well theyre all pretty much polypless. Is that pretty much a gaurentee theyre gonna die? If thats the case, theres really no point in removing him.

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Do my SPS have any chance of recovery? Like i said, theyre practically polyp-less but still have some coloration.

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I also had a issue with my bicolor nipping my sps in my bc29. Boy was it a lot of fun getting him out. Only way of getting him out was kidnap him at night from his hole he sleeps in.

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