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Anemone Movement, but returns to same spot?


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I bought a RBTA in Feb. In March it split. One of the RBTAs stays put, but the other will move every two to three weeks; it wantders for a couple nights and then returns to the same spot. Is this a sign of stress, poor water quality, or something else I should address OR is he (or she) just likely going for a stroll in the tank. I have not changed my light, pump locations, etc?


It's odd the other one has not moved. It sits right next to the spot of the moving one (and is a brother or sister to the moving one). Have you noticed that some anemones just like to stay put and others like to move?


I have a 28 gallon Nano Cube with CF lights, 24 lbs of live rock, 3 small fish, CUC, a bunch of softies and one Frogspawn.

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That's just what they do sometimes to get more room for itself, but if the only favorable (flow/light) location was the original, that shouldn't be an issue. That said, if your using PC lights, make sure u change your bulbs every six moths or so if you want to maintain color.

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He is looking for a more favorable spot but since he can't find it he keeps going back to the original location. He will eventually settle in somewhere.

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