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Wrasse Darted into rocks;( Will he be okay?


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Heres the deal, I went in to my bedroom (where tank is and I turned on the light to my room to get into bed but then I looked over to my tank saw my Lubbocks fairy wrasse dart and get stuck between two small rocks. So instantly I reached in lifted one of the rocks and let him free then he darted around the tank for about 10 seconds and now he is in his hiding spot resting. I didn't see any cuts but Im still worried. Can he get a infection? I have never had ich so thats out. I think.. Has anyone else had this happen. He was $40 and my favorite fish (only one in the tank right now). Any help is appreciated!

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umm, were you 100 percent sure he was stuck? While that does happen, a lot of times, they'll wiggle themselves out. I think the wrasse will fine, as long as the tank is in good condition and assuming he's been in the tank a while.

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Deleted User 4

Just feed it twice a day and it'll get back to shape. If you can, feed it garlic supplemented fish food.

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Just feed it twice a day and it'll get back to shape. If you can, feed it garlic supplemented fish food.


+1 My trigger darted into the rocks enough to give himself a nasty little gash on his head (could see the pink flesh under the skin) and he was healed up nicely in ~2 days. Just check as well as you can to see if there are any abrasions. If you find some, watch them healing, just like you would any other critter. It'll be obvious if he gets an infection, and then you can look into antibiotic treatments. But with a healthy fish in a stable system, that's a worst-case scenario.

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Thanks for the help! I feel alot better now! He is swimming normal today! :) Also not 100% sure if he was stuck but he wasn't wiggleing and I didnt want him to hurt himself more so I reached in and removed the rock slow to reduce his stress. I dont have garlic food though I only feed him mysis I plan to add more varity, but for now the mysis makes him go crazy!

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One time my clown got spooked and darted between the glass and a rock in my old tank. Little guy was stuck for sure. I let him out he was scared for a while but no long term problems came from it. I also couldn't see any cuts on him after it.

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