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Pod Your Reef

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After years of only keeping freshwater I'm getting back into a saltwater tank. Alot has changed since the 80's and I can no longer go down to the Indian river and collect my own rock. So, a JBJ 28 CF Quad, 40lbs live sand, 23lb live "Real Reef" rock. Upgraded the filter box with Intank and added a Koralia Nano and Hydor rotating water deflectors have replaced the stock parts. Running with just poly filter right now but will change that once the tank cycles. The only problem is the heat. The house is at 74' and the tank is at 81. Would upgrading the stock pumps to something different maybe help this? It seems that 7' is a bit more difference than I've read most people are getting. I'm open to thoughts.



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First off, :welcome:, nice looking tank.


Next, 81 degrees isn't bad at all (I'd start to worry if it hits 85). A more efficient return pump might add a little less heat into the system.

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First off, :welcome:, nice looking tank.


Next, 81 degrees isn't bad at all (I'd start to worry if it hits 85). A more efficient return pump might add a little less heat into the system.


Thanks for the welcome


It's at 82.2 now, but the lights just went out and it should cool down some. I'll watch it and see how things go but thanks.


I'm really happy with the layout, there are plenty of ways for fish to swim through the rock. Of course, we'll see if the rock work stands up to the CUC when it goes to work.



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what did use to keep the rock together besides gravity, your hands, eyes and brain?


That's about it. I've not read enough about the different methods people here us and did not feel confident to use any of them. I guess I'll be learning a lesson from that in the not so distant future. Most are pretty solid as they kinda fit into a "slot" but one on top in particular probably could use a little help



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That's about it. I've not read enough about the different methods people here us and did not feel confident to use any of them. I guess I'll be learning a lesson from that in the not so distant future. Most are pretty solid as they kinda fit into a "slot" but one on top in particular probably could use a little help




No worries. If its stacked solid you wont have an issue. Mine is mostly stacked and its a much larger and dellicate structure than this. I the only extra support i used was a piece of reef puddy in one spot.


Tank looks great! Somebody has been doing their research.

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No worries. If its stacked solid you wont have an issue. Mine is mostly stacked and its a much larger and dellicate structure than this. I the only extra support i used was a piece of reef puddy in one spot.


Tank looks great! Somebody has been doing their research.


Thanks, I've been doing alot of reading, but there always seems to be more to do. I had the basic chemistry down from years ago, it's the husbandry that I really need to learn. There is so much "new" since the 80's it's not even funny. I'm sure I'll be asking (begging) for help as I go on



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That's about it. I've not read enough about the different methods people here us and did not feel confident to use any of them. I guess I'll be learning a lesson from that in the not so distant future. Most are pretty solid as they kinda fit into a "slot" but one on top in particular probably could use a little help



The scape looks good man. Makes me want to add a cave like structure to mine somewhere. Hard to do with pukani rock though.

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