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Coral Vue Hydros

why do i still have micro bubbles? ADDED NEW PICS


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my sump has been setup about a month now, for some reason I'm still getting a lot of micro bubbles floating around my display and some on the rocks. i don't visually see any in the sump and don't see air trapped in my return lines. I'm using a eheim compact return pump, would swapping to a mj1200 with a sponge on it maybe flyer some bubbles out? its a very compact sump and hard to fit stuff in so options are limited, in the pic the drain from the display refugium is in my return chamber, I've tried running it for a week with it by my skimmer, I've also tried the foam block in between the partitions and nothing changed, i thought it was my mp10 pulling air down, but it happens even when off. any ideas id appreciate.post-74152-1341359770_thumb.jpg

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my sump has been setup about a month now, for some reason I'm still getting a lot of micro bubbles floating around my display and some on the rocks. i don't visually see any in the sump and don't see air trapped in my return lines. I'm using a eheim compact return pump, would swapping to a mj1200 with a sponge on it maybe flyer some bubbles out? its a very compact sump and hard to fit stuff in so options are limited, in the pic the drain from the display refugium is in my return chamber, I've tried running it for a week with it by my skimmer, I've also tried the foam block in between the partitions and nothing changed, i thought it was my mp10 pulling air down, but it happens even when off. any ideas id appreciate.post-74152-1341359770_thumb.jpg


The compact sump makes it a bit more difficult (but certainly not impossible) to reduce or eliminate microbubbles. First, check and make sure all plumbing is properly sealed and not creating a venturi-effect. If that isn't an issue, try reducing the flow rate on the return pump to various levels, allowing enough time after each adjustment to note any difference. If it then comes to it, you can try using something like a sponge on the intake of the pump to catch the bubbles.

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Don't get rid of the Eheim. That's a solid pump and getting a MJ would only be a downgrade.

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Since modding the sump at this points too hard maybe I can wrap the eheim in foam bc it doesn't have a intake like a mj or pOwer head. It's a flat screen in the pump

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Micro bubbles are harmless, but can be a nuisance.. I blame the skimmer. Have you tried a sock over the outlet of the skimmer? or maybe some enkamat?

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I think a little of both bc I have the new tank diatom bloom and a little hair algae. Then the occasional burst of micros coming outta the return. I raked the sandbed and got a lot of bubbles up. But some came back on my rock

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Shoot a picture next time, would help identify it. I think were just trying to figure out of the micro bubbles are some kind of bubble algae or not..

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Definitely not bubble algae. But ivecread how hair n diatom can release bubble? Is it possible since its a new tank I'm getting the bubbles from that? When ubget home from work I'll post pics


And the majority is when the lights on

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not as many bubbles today, but i tried capturing some on the overflow, rock and rising post-74152-1341710329_thumb.jpgpost-74152-1341710330_thumb.jpgpost-74152-1341710431_thumb.jpg




and some bubbles on my macros in the fuge


and some bubbles on my macros in the fugepost-74152-1341710602_thumb.jpg


and a front shot for hella itpost-74152-1341710633_thumb.jpg

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Look at your sand bed line just below the surface.Are there bubbles in it? If yes give it some time they will decrease.

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yes their was some, i raked the bed and got most of it out, driving me nuts, but i also see some small micros come out my turn every once in a while like a burst. I'm thinking of wrapping my return pump intake with some poly pad or something, i don't see any micros from my skimmer output, but their must be some I'm not seeing

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Give it some more time it will go away once you get more slime build up. I had a elos mini with a small sump. I had tons of micro bubbles that were completely gone in 3-4 months

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