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Is my torch coral dying? Help? Video included.


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Why is this happening? What can I do?


Tribal Blenny

2 clowns

1 Emerald Crab




I think you need to move it ... it is being stung by its neighbor :0 I think


Try that and see what happens ... I do not think the fishes are the cause of what it looks like



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Mr. Microscope

Yikes! Not lookin' so good. Could be the emerald. From what I gather torches are okay next to each other, even different colors.


...just found this

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Yikes! Not lookin' so good. Could be the emerald. From what I gather torches are okay next to each other, even different colors.


...just found this


+1 That is the worst looking one I have seen. But it should not be the other torch.

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looks like something chopped it off...doesnt look like that was from other corals. torches should be ok together anyways. mine are. it doesnt look good at all.

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Yikes! Not lookin' so good. Could be the emerald. From what I gather torches are okay next to each other, even different colors.


...just found this


Awwww d*mn. I really liked the crab in there.


1.Does it mean that particular head is dead? Or will it regrow the tentacles?

2.Do I just get a pair of scissors and cut what's remaining?



...and I figured he would be fine in the tank with the corals because I have plenty of green hair algae for him to chow down on.

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Here is another video I just took of the 'suspect'. I'd like to note that the 2 torch coral was once ONE whole torch coral but I fragged it in half. I believe before I fragged the torch in half it use to sit next to the toadstool with contact between the two corals for a week or so.




**just providing more info to see if it helps with this mysterious case.

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Mr. Microscope

Lolz! Nice blenny there! Fun video.


Keep an eye on the emerald. Some are perfect citizens, but once they get a taste of meat it's impossible to stop them. I had a cute emerald in my frag tank that I used to love. It had great personality and I used to feed it big chunks of chaeto every day. It about broke my heart when it started eating my yumas and acans. It ate an entire acan head before I was able to stop him! I had to practically tear apart the tank in order to get him out. Luckily, I found someone with a FOWLR tank to give it a new home.


Long story short, don't discount the possibility that the crab is eating your corals just because you have plenty of algae for it to eat.


Question the next, when did you frag the torch? 'Doesn't look like a fragging artifact, but if it was very recently perhaps that did it.

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Lolz! Nice blenny there! Fun video.


Keep an eye on the emerald. Some are perfect citizens, but once they get a taste of meat it's impossible to stop them. I had a cute emerald in my frag tank that I used to love. It had great personality and I used to feed it big chunks of chaeto every day. It about broke my heart when it started eating my yumas and acans. It ate an entire acan head before I was able to stop him! I had to practically tear apart the tank in order to get him out. Luckily, I found someone with a FOWLR tank to give it a new home.


Long story short, don't discount the possibility that the crab is eating your corals just because you have plenty of algae for it to eat.


Question the next, when did you frag the torch? 'Doesn't look like a fragging artifact, but if it was very recently perhaps that did it.


Indeed ... that is a good warning for many as I have read quite a few similar horror stories where they suddenly turned carnivorous and started destroying a lot of zoas and also some Torch corals ...


Great warning to many I think



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Question the next, when did you frag the torch? 'Doesn't look like a fragging artifact, but if it was very recently perhaps that did it.


June 25th.

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