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Chaeto/Mangroves outside?


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Has anyone tried to have a tub outside with chaeto and some mangroves to grow them out? I'd like to try to grow some pods too. It's summer here in TN and I think its too hot. But I figured some one here has tried it.



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not really that practical.


first ytou need to keep the temps in check

second, you would have to have it at a covered area incase of rain

third you need a way to keep pests and dust and other crap from getting into the water

forth. the hassle you will face from taking it down for winter, setting it back up in the spring.

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my pond had a mangrove growing like crazy out side 99 degrees out in fresh water.

and i grew chayto in a bucket in 85 degree weather

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oh yeah, mangroves can grow in salt or fresh, chaeto is pretty much indestructible, but why would you want to grow that? unless your just doing it for fun theres really no point. you would have to plumb it into your system get make use of it.


also the OP mentioned growing pods, you would have to consider the list of problems i listed when having a pond/tank outside

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