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Shane's 40g Mixed Reef Tank Journal (with HD video)


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Hey guys, been out of the hobby for a couple of years, that's why you haven't seen me on the boards for a while. But IM BACK! Recently set up this 40g, which i bought off CL, already established with a decent variety of corals. Tore the tank down, moved it about 30 miles, and set it back up that same day. No losses yet, didn't even seem like the corals stressed on it at all. Really surprised me. A couple weeks ago, I started adding fish. I had a hard time deciding between this and a 90g that I was eyeing, ended up going for this setup, but I am in the process of doing a 90 build, in which this tanks inhabitants will eventually go on to live in. Also started a youtube channel, as I am a videography enthusiast, and want to start pumping out some really HQ reef tank videos, I noticed there is currently a lack of them on youtube. Open to all suggestions/feedback, thanks guys. Feels good to be back!


Here are the first pics and video I took of the tank:





Red Monti Cap



Blue/Green Zoas












More zoas







Thanks for looking!

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Nice tank already!! Your right about youtube theres nowhere near enough reef tank vids on there haha. Looking forward to seeing what the finished 90 looks like.


Also are you using LED's as your lighting source? Those zoas, frogspawn, and RBTA are really popping out.

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Nice tank already!! Your right about youtube theres nowhere near enough reef tank vids on there haha. Looking forward to seeing what the finished 90 looks like.


Also are you using LED's as your lighting source? Those zoas, frogspawn, and RBTA are really popping out.


Thanks man! Right now I'm using 4x24w T5. Same lights the guy said he had been using on the tank for the past 8 months. He said he had the montis and acro frag in there for the last 4 months. Very nice coloration on all the SPS. Impressed with the fixture so far. For the 90, I'm thinking about going with LEDs.

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Picked up a couple new things today =]


Fungia Plate Coral



Helfrichi Firefish






ID on this one anybody? Sold to me as a Brain Coral, doesnt look like one to me though...



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Snapped some more shots today, got a couple good ones for you guys. Have a good night!


Some nice polyp shots...


Montipora Capricornis









ID anyone?



Acropora Frag



Onyx Clown hosting RBTA


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Gorgeous tank. Love your color choices and the BTA is one of the nicer I've seen.



Thank you! I'm definitely enjoying the array of colors as well =]

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looks very nice. What camera equipment are you using for the close up shots?


Also, that looks like a very nice scoly / doughnut coral to me.

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looks very nice. What camera equipment are you using for the close up shots?


Also, that looks like a very nice scoly / doughnut coral to me.



Thank you! I'm using my video camera to get the close ups and the HD clips, it's a Sony Handycam HDR-CX700.


Aaaah woke up this morning to find my temp @ 83.8!! I don't know wtf happened, usually the only time i've had to keep the eye on the temp is on real hot days when the lights have been on for most of the day. Man.

I think i'm gonna start taking out a little water and putting it in the fridge for a few minutes... Is this safe? Or will the temp drop kill all the organisms in the water, causing amm/nitrate to raise? Any insight greatly appreciated!

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For your ID's the favia is not a favia but a chalice frag and the green one is a scoly. Both look nice and healthy.

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For your ID's the favia is not a favia but a chalice frag and the green one is a scoly. Both look nice and healthy.


Thank you very much. The scoly is doing great, tons of little feeder tentacles that come out at night. Anyone know what they like to eat? Mysis ok?

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Thank you very much. The scoly is doing great, tons of little feeder tentacles that come out at night. Anyone know what they like to eat? Mysis ok?


Picked up a sweeeeet new bubble coral today, will post pics soon!

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Hey guys, been a little while since I did an update, man, crazy things have been happening in this tank. For starters, I love both of my onyx clowns this week. The larger one got stuck to the side of my koriala pump...I noticed him there one morning when i got out of the shower, and nudged him off where he swam down to the bottom and was dead within 5 minutes. Definitely a bummer...nut sure how to avoid this happening in the future. This guy had already started to eat from my hand after only a couple of weeks in the tank, bummer...


The next day, I added a huge brain coral to the tank. Thing is like 6-7" in diameter. The second day it was in the tank, it made a meal out of my other clownfish. They both would try to host just about every LPS coral in the tank, even though there was a RBTA. They'd usually hang out in the anemone during the day, and find an LPS to sleep in at night when the anemone closed up. I didn't notice my coral feasting on my fish until it was much too late....


Here's a pic of the brain about 2 hours after eating the fish, has been swelled up HUUUGE for the past couple days.



And an updated FTS


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Got a nice shot of the bubble coral just now, today was the first day it opened up fully, it's looking great.


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Very nice reef tank! You're not wasting your time posting here lol. What T5 combo are you using? I ask because even With 4 T5's, your colour appears very nice and balanced.

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Thanks for the feedback guys!

For lighting, I'm using 2x24w Current Sundial t-5

Thinking about switching to LED's soon, I like the shimmer and I'm looking for a bit more growth, but the T-5's put out a great color.

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I have a question for some of you coral experts...Will my Xenia sting my acans if it is slightly within range? I have some random flow in the tank and the xenia sometimes comes down and sweeps over my one acan. NO signs of stress from it yet, just wondering if it will have an effect long term?

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