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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Need a fish for my 10 gallon!


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I think I am ready for my first fish in my 10 gallon! This is my first saltwater tank but my tank has been pretty stable for a month now so I think it is time.


What fish would everyone recommend? It needs to be an easy fish remember!!!



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I would go with an Ocellaris Clown. They are hardy, attractive, friendly, not too expensive, readily available, and have a great deal of character.

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Would you recommend one or two? I have heard that they do really well in pairs but I'm not sure if a 10 is too small to keep them in!



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Many folks do a pair of clowns in a ten. I personally, would only put one fish in there, but I like to keep the focus on corals, and prefer to stay well under the bioload. If you go for two, try to buy a mated pair at once, so you avaoid compatability problems. You could also do a firefish. They're very cool looking, but they don't have the personality and spunk that the clown would. Have fun!

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IMO 2 clowns would be fine in a 10 gallon, as long as you maintained water changes consistently. Another combination would be a clownfish and a clown goby, which is what I have in my 7, and they're doing great. A clown goby doesn't have the personality a clownfish has, but they're cute and attractively colored (mine is bright yellow and I've seen green and blue ones as well).

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they're pretty shy, so dont be surprised if you dont see it all day cuz its hiding in a rock. before i dropped a clown in my tank i only saw my firefish during feedings but now he's a bit more social, i'm guessing since he has company. i have a 10 and have 3 fish in there, it seems a bit much but they're all pretty happy (i'm guessin) and are very healthy. redhead goby, firefish, clown.



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I am going with a Royal Gramma for my first in my 10 gallon. Everything I have heard about them is positive and they are not too expensive ($19 normal price at my LFS). I have also heard they are relatively easy to keep.

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If you go for clowns, get a pair, and go for juvenile, tank-raised clowns. I think they will behave more naturally as a pair than if kept singly.


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if the tank was mine...

HmMmm...too many options....

1 or 2 percula clownfish

1 or 2 bangaii or pajama cardinal

1 or 2 royal gramma

Coral beuty

or a firefish

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i'd say perculas would be your best bet. Other fish that might work would be royal grammas, firefish, and a fridmani psuedochromis. Don't go with an angel. Even the pygmy/cherub angel needs at least 20 gallons. They like space.

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