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JMT's New 16ga Bow


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So of you know, some of you don't, but I picked up a 16ga Bow yesterday to move my reefmials into when I move back home. When I thought about a colored background and remebered my painting attempted had failed, I thought back to my window tint thread.


My tank now has 5% tint on it that I did myself in about 30 minutes. I couldn't be more pleased. My first time to do window tint, and although it isn't 100% perfect, there are no visible air bubbles or marks in the tint. I am very happy.




Now for pics...


Window tint:




Proof that it is window tint:




New home for my new tank:




-Justin :)

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Lookin' good justin! Now lets see what the tint looks like with the lights on the tank. Do you think it will be transparent? If it is you could always add another layer of tint on the existing one. What are your plans for the tank?



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Pfft. Shut up, I have pretty feet.


When the lights are on, the tint is actually reflective. You can only see through it when there is light comming in behind it. I really like it.


I guess it could be different when I put a 150w MH on it. We'll see.


Thanks guys.



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Who made the tank? I thought All Glass made a 16 gallon bow front, but their website says otherwise.


Bradley C Sacs

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Yeah, the foot is doing much better.


The tank is made by All Glass. It is under the "Geneva" series.

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Now that is REALLY stupid. Why didn't they just put that tank in their bowfront section. Idiots! LOL Thanks for the help!


Bradley C Sacs

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Well, I filled her up today. Call me anal, but I like to do it gallon by gallon with distilled water jugs.


Guess what?


The tank will only hold 14ga. comfortably ( 14 3/4 MAX ). I'm glad I took the time for this, otherwise I'd have one helluva salty tank. It's ok though, the water line is right where my float-switch will keep it, so I'm pleased.


God, please make the salt mix a little faster?




--->Pictures to follow after substrate, etc.


EDIT: Stupid smilies.

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Well, I got the sand and some LR in. Now I get to wait for it to settle :c.


Look who decided to show up:





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try using oceanic salt mixes in like 2 minutes, and blows IO and reef crystals away. the only criticism i have heard about it is it tends to be kinda low on the alk. just add a little buffer and your set.

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Here it is, Day 2 with 9lbs of Marshall LR and <=1" of white sugar sand.


It's finally starting to clear up, but I need to magfloat some dust off the glass. But I don't have my mag float! Arghh...


I have another peice of rock going in next weekend and some reefimals, more light, etc.







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Added the last chunk of LR, some light (temporary), the heater, and the skimmer.


The powerheads, etc. will be gone when my mag7 arrives and the light will be replace with a retro I'm working on.


On to the pics!


First attempt at aquascaping... you like?




Full tank shot:




The reefimals haven't been moved in yet b/c the water's a little chilly at 74 degrees. I am waiting for it to heat up. Other than that, the params are perfect :).


More pics to follow later.



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wow, looks like a sweet start! i'm interested in that little skimmer thing....how exactly does that thing work? is it a DIY?

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It's just an air-driven skimmer. Coralife Super Skimmer 1 for under $20. It runs off an air pump.


I just did a little more aquascaping b/c I didn't like the look of the back under that archway. It looks better now IMO.


I'll post pics after I get the animals in.



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What kind of lighting do you have planned for it? I LOVE the bow front tanks, and had i money i would have done a 16bowfront over my 5gallon hex. That window tint looks great! what do you have planned as far as fish? i'm curious.... :)

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Thanks for the compliments.


Lighting will be a 20" 28w Coralife Aqualight, gutted and retro'd for a 150w MH. If the PC bulb will fit back in there, then it will be a 10k Ushio + 28w Acintic. If not, a 20k Ushio by itself. I am also installing some fans for good air curculation.


As for fish, I don't know yet. I have 1 ORange Skunk Clown hosted by an LTA. And since the rockwork turned out so much better than I had expected and Mashall is so branchy, I am leaning toward a fish that will interact a lot with the rock. I am always open to suggestions for that.



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For your lighting, jmt. Remember 150w De bulb is about inch longer than 70W. ALso, hotter than 70w too. You can't use sockets for 70w DE with 150w DE. You need another socket.

And, make sure there's enough air flow in your aqualight, or you will get serious heat issue.


And another point is.... cost check.

150w MH bulb, sockets, and ballast, 2 cooling fans can cost you like 250 bucks. If you want to go 150w MH pendant, it will cost you near 300 for good one (like icecap e-ballast + sunlight reefoptix III).

For this reason, I think putting 70w MH in coralife is feasible, but 150w is not really economical even it is feasible.

Adding 70w MH one that coralife will give you plenty of light for 16G bow too. Have a good choice.

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I have it all figured out, thanks.


Coralife Aqualight - $45

Ballast - $40

Bulb - $55

Fans - $5

Socket and Glass - $15

Misc. - $10


That's $170 roughly.


I have everything but the sockets, glass, and bulb.


I have already taken into consideration everything that you have mentioned. In fact, I have already done 1 retro almost identical to this. So, thanks again, but I think I'll be ok.




Pic of 1st retro:

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