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Well, as usual, I'm totally clueless as to what's going on around here. Just saw this. Oh WOW.


This is facinating!!!!! .....and right up your alley.

Its ok! Its easy to get behind on things on here :) Plus nothing too exciting yet. You just won't want to miss when I get the adorable tiny seahorses :lol:


It is really fascinating! I'm definitely doing a ton of research for setting this up which is right up my alley. I think I'm spending almost as much time researching for this as I do for my PhD work :lol:

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Micro-Reefs Aquariums
Ugh! So frustrated! I got my new EHEIM Jager 25W heater in the mail today and its huge. I couldn't find dimensions for it anywhere when I bought it, but I decided to get it since its known to be the most reliable and I figured it couldn't be that big since its only 25 watts. The stupid thing is bigger than all 3 of the 50 watt heaters I own. I'm returning it to Amazon and in the meantime I ended up ordering this:



Its made by Hagen for small desktop tanks, so hopefully it will be reliable. None of the brands I'm familiar with as good heater brands make a small enough heater that can be set to any temperature. A lot of the little heaters are preset to 78F, which is too hot for dwarfs.



In other news, my ReefCleaners order arrived today! :happydance:

I got my red gracilaria, halimeda, shaving brush, and pencil cap. Unfortunately, the palm caulerpa I also ordered was missing from my shipment. I contacted John and he got back to me quickly to let me know he'll ship that out first thing on Monday. I also got a few Florida ceriths, virgin nerites, nassarius, and zig zag periwinkle snails for the new tank. Since that tank is still cycling, everything is hanging out in the 30 gallon for the time being.


Another soap basket full of macros :)



Snail jail! How I'm keeping the snails for the new tank where I can find them. I'll throw food in for them so they don't starve in there.



When wanting really small stuff, please feel free to shoot me a PM, I would have recommended the Hagen Heater you just posted!


We carry them on our site and we would do free shipping to your house and match Amazon!


How you like me now! B)


Now you have a friend in the Diamond business, I mean reefing business. :lol: We are in your backyard and will always assist!


Plus you are a Berkeley Grad, that's a bonus for me since I to am from Cal!

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When wanting really small stuff, please feel free to shoot me a PM, I would have recommended the Hagen Heater you just posted!


We carry them on our site and we would do free shipping to your house and match Amazon!


How you like me now! B)


Now you have a friend in the Diamond business, I mean reefing business. :lol: We are in your backyard and will always assist!


Plus you are a Berkeley Grad, that's a bonus for me since I to am from Cal!

Good to know Mike! I'll definitely keep that in mind for the future. I am just so spoiled with my Amazon Prime membership that I tend to forget to check elsewhere. If I need anything else for this pico, I'll check out your site first. Also, I knew you sold the little Hydor mini, but I really wanted something temperature controllable and I hadn't seen that you were now selling the little Hagen. Is that a new product? How has it worked out for you so far? I hadn't seen much about people using it so I was a bit nervous about how reliable it would be. Its so hit or miss with heaters!

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That's the heater I used and it brought the temp up too high. Although that could just be because today got fairly hot.

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That's the heater I used and it brought the temp up too high. Although that could just be because today got fairly hot.

Oh you tried the Hagen heater? Hopefully it was just that today was pretty warm. Also what did you have it set on? It may just need to be set lower if the calibration on it isn't perfect.



I just tested all my parameters again and they're still at:

Amm: 0.5

Nitrites: 0

Nitrates: 0

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Oh you tried the Hagen heater? Hopefully it was just that today was pretty warm. Also what did you have it set on? It may just need to be set lower if the calibration on it isn't perfect.

No I meant the hydor mini. I'll try it again when it cools off next week. The macros seem to be fine in the low 70s so far

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Micro-Reefs Aquariums



Hydor mini is way different than the Hagen 25 watt controllable! But the absolute best in my opinion is a controller such as RKL that deals with the turning off or on of a heater.


I always have my heaters controlled by a RK system, but that is just me.

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No I meant the hydor mini. I'll try it again when it cools off next week. The macros seem to be fine in the low 70s so far

Oh, that makes more sense. And its good to hear the macros are doing fine even at low temperatures. Which ones did you add already? Were they the ones you expected to be hardier?




Hydor mini is way different than the Hagen 25 watt controllable! But the absolute best in my opinion is a controller such as RKL that deals with the turning off or on of a heater.


I always have my heaters controlled by a RK system, but that is just me.

I plan to get controllers eventually, but they just aren't in my graduate student budget at the moment. And I definitely can't afford 2 right now. When I do have money for it, I'll definitely get one for my 30 gallon first.

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Micro-Reefs Aquariums
Oh, that makes more sense. And its good to hear the macros are doing fine even at low temperatures. Which ones did you add already? Were they the ones you expected to be hardier?



I plan to get controllers eventually, but they just aren't in my graduate student budget at the moment. And I definitely can't afford 2 right now. When I do have money for it, I'll definitely get one for my 30 gallon first.


It will be the best $119 bucks you ever spend for a secured system! You b-day already passed but X-mas is in the works, remember to tip off Santa when the months close in... ;)

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Oh, that makes more sense. And its good to hear the macros are doing fine even at low temperatures. Which ones did you add already? Were they the ones you expected to be hardier?

I added codium, gracilaria, and red grape. I knew the codium would do fine because it's sometimes found in the 50 degree water on the coast. Most reds can tolerate lower temps but I don't know how the red grape will do over time.

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It will be the best $119 bucks you ever spend for a secured system! You b-day already passed but X-mas is in the works, remember to tip off Santa when the months close in... ;)

I'll keep that in mind :)


I added codium, gracilaria, and red grape. I knew the codium would do fine because it's sometimes found in the 50 degree water on the coast. Most reds can tolerate lower temps but I don't know how the red grape will do over time.

Oh ok. I'm planning on adding gracilaria and red grape as well, plus blue ochtodes, shaving brush, pencil cap, and halimeda. I'm not sure how any of those would do at lower temperatures. The Hagen heater seems to be working well so far and it just barely fits. I'm still just working on getting it set to the right temperature since its just a +/- dial instead of exact temperatures.


this makes me want to try dwarfs, but i think its out of my league.

i'll wait and research and maybe try it in the future.

following this for sure!

It definitely had been a lot of research so far and I expect quite a bit more, so don't try it unless you're committed. It doesn't seem to bad though if you invest the time in the research and perfecting your live food techniques. :)

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Oh ok. I'm planning on adding gracilaria and red grape as well, plus blue ochtodes, shaving brush, pencil cap, and halimeda. I'm not sure how any of those would do at lower temperatures. The Hagen heater seems to be working well so far and it just barely fits. I'm still just working on getting it set to the right temperature since its just a +/- dial instead of exact temperatures.

Here's a list of the macros I've added so far: Botrycladia sp. (red grape), Codium sp., red Gracilaria sp., Halimeda sp., Caulerpa serrulata, blue ochtodes, and a red macro that I haven't ID'd yet. All of them seem unfazed by the dip and low temps except the ochtodes. Ochtodes doesn't tolerate any dips well IME but I'm hoping the little bit that did survive will grow well. Keep in mind they haven't been in the tank very long, but it should give you a good idea of how hardy they are.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Updates or an arrow to the knee. You choose. :wizard:

Don't shoot me please! :lol:


I got in one of those crazy busy phases with my research, so I've been doing the bare minimum on the tanks and not spending time on NR. I have it planned for Saturday to clean both tanks, take a new FTS of the 30 gallon, and get things moving along with the seahorse pico. The plan is to start the macros in the fenbendazole bath on Saturday and practice brine hatching over the weekend and early next week. I'm thinking about ordering my horses on Monday or Tuesday of next week. Or I may wait one more week. So look out for updates on Saturday! And I'm flattered you missed me, Joe :flower:

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Oh, I know exactly how it is to be super busy at work. It sucks for our tanks. I'm happy to hear you'll be getting some ponies soon. This little tank is exciting! Another Felicia win! :)

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  • 11 months later...

How are you and the tank?

Hey Danielle! I ended up dismantling this tank before it ever even got seahorses in it. I got sooo busy with school that I wasn't going to be able to keep up with the crazy commitment to hatch live baby brine shrimp and feed the seahorses 3 times a day. Now I've just got the 30 gallon display and the 10 gallon frag tank. I use my JBJ picotope as a portable tank for frag swaps/sales.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I took it down. I'm fishless for the foreseeable future. It was necessary unfortunately. I won't really be around in these parts much anymore.

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I took it down. I'm fishless for the foreseeable future. It was necessary unfortunately. I won't really be around in these parts much anymore.

Sorry to hear that!


Looking great so far! I am following along. Love the black substrate and painted back.

How are your ponies?

Thanks guys, but this tank never actually got going. I decided that it was going to be too much work with how busy I currently am to be constantly culturing live baby brine for the dwarf seahorses. I'm in the process of setting up a tank for H. Erectus seahorses. The link to that thread is in my sig.

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