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clownfish growout food


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My small school of clownfish babies are badly addicted to bbs and they are not biting anything else including TDO Otohime A. They are now into 17th day and have grown quite a bit. They may be getting the third stripe soon. Only problem is that they eat only bbs eat until their bellies ready to pop. How can I wean them out and introduce regular food? Otohime floats on the surface and they dont show any interest.

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I've never fed BBS - but I suppose you would wean them like you wean them off anything else and overlap the food for a while and start feeding less and less of the BBS. My fry start on OTO at day 4.

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Maybe soak the otohime in water just before adding it to the tank to waterlog it a bit.

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Maybe soak the otohime in water just before adding it to the tank to waterlog it a bit.


Did that too. Some simply peck at it and others dont even look at them. I guess I will feed less bbs and let them go little hungry and overlap oto. Let's see who wins. :)

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