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The Athenian Reef 75+29 :: Update - 2/3/14


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I have been using an IWB Remora for EDC with my PM9 for the last year or so. Great little holster, I highly recommend it.

I have been using one for my Glock 30 as well and I loved it so much that I bought one for my father's LCP and he loved it too! Lol

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the car was pretty sick out there, race header and exhaust along with new engine management made for a hell of a ride. as for S2ks...I love em! but dont blame me for wanting to be an S2k killer :ninja:

of course, not one with a big turbo on it...thats kind of a different story...


since your tank is only 3 months old I would probably wait just a bit longer before adding SPS (IMHO). that works out though! because im not going to frag my corals until I move them to their new home in the 75. when the time comes ill let you know what shipping will be.


as for how I can check on my tank from miels away, look up above about the information on the Reefkeeper elite, it transmits all my information over the internet. I also plan on using icam and a webcam to watch the tank visually as well.

Haha I don't blame you either! Are you planning on staying N/A?


I have no problems waiting! I am extremely patient.. I will have to send you a bunch of coral in return.. I have a guy down here that has the super hook up on coral that he grows.


And I will be checking out that that Reefkeeper elite here tonight once I get off of work. And I really would like to set up a webcam as well.. Makes it that much better lol.

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I'm planning on doing super eventually, I want the low end torque especially since this car is still my DD. btw, there are about a million pictures of me from the dragon lol. It was raining and gross on saturday so there werent that many people, there seems to be a stretch where I was the only one doing anything interesting as I was the only one photoed for a while! trying to track down a handful of best ones...found one with my front right corner of my bumper practically dragging on the ground and the back left almost off the ground...


it was a sick weekend


Ill let you know when the corals are ready, it'll be a minute but Ill get around to it.


the RKE is pretty sweet, expensive. but honestly, the piece of mind is worth it to me.


work on the tank begins again in earnest today! now that I dont have to be either sitting in class or permanently attached to a wrench under my car....

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I'm planning on doing super eventually, I want the low end torque especially since this car is still my DD. btw, there are about a million pictures of me from the dragon lol. It was raining and gross on saturday so there werent that many people, there seems to be a stretch where I was the only one doing anything interesting as I was the only one photoed for a while! trying to track down a handful of best ones...found one with my front right corner of my bumper practically dragging on the ground and the back left almost off the ground...


it was a sick weekend


Ill let you know when the corals are ready, it'll be a minute but Ill get around to it.


the RKE is pretty sweet, expensive. but honestly, the piece of mind is worth it to me.


work on the tank begins again in earnest today! now that I dont have to be either sitting in class or permanently attached to a wrench under my car....

Yea a supercharged k20 would be pretty sick.. And I liked the pictures of the car! Looks good! do you have any suspension work done to it?


I really wanna see some updates of the build you have going on! But who am I to talk? I need to update my thread as well.. It has come a longggg way! Lol

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I've been super busy lately, havent had much of a chance to work on the tank. Ill upload a few pictures though.

Can't wait to see!


Is you are bored and want to take a look at my women's tank here is the link



Both of her parents graduated from UGA and she is a big UGA fan lol so you two will have something in common.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Well real life got in the way of what really matters and thuroughly kicked my butt! Starting to get things back in order though which means beginning work on the Athenian again!


stay tuned for updates! coming soon!

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Well real life got in the way of what really matters and thuroughly kicked my butt! Starting to get things back in order though which means beginning work on the Athenian again!


stay tuned for updates! coming soon!

The suspense is killing me! :lol:

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The suspense is killing me! :lol:


Well...dont get too excited YET! Unfortunately the tanks took a back burner for a while so the work right now is just getting them back to their former glory! THEN I'll really start the assembly/mating of the two tanks into one giant system. Right now, I feel like theres not much too look at but problems! The tanks are ok, (not like theyre crashing hard or anything) but theyre certainly not where I would like them to be. Theyre coming around though.


My GOAL (and its a bit of a hefty one) is to at least have all the prep work done by around christmas/early january and then do the final setup shortly after. Theres certainly plenty to do between now and then though...

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...




The tanks are poised to be merged. They are now next to each other and ready to be plumbed together. The 75g is doing well. The 29g is surviving but while some corals thrive others are growing algae...I had to completely frag two large colonies in an effort to keep some parts of them alive with minor success. In a triage effort I am going to put a large canister filter I have onto the tank as well as put in a large quantity of cheato in the display under the primary light. Lets see algae grow with 50 lbs of cheato eating up all the nutrients!

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Yeah man and its gotten a lot better. I was over there today and nearly put money down on a good 2-300 bucks worth of corals even though my tanks cant take it right now. the corals were just too good to pass up BUT the guy said he would get plenty more of what they had and some even nicer ones in tomorrow!


I live over on the east side.

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Thanks for sharing your story. I have to say I personally don't have experience with addiction (other than sweet technology and now reefing) but good on you for recognizing you had a problem. You wen't through a lot, but you have a good head on your shoulders.


Although I mentioned I don't have experience personally, that's not to say I don't come across it every day or have relatives with similar additions as you had.


It's great to see your back though, and whatever support you need, we'll be here for you!


Nice sig ;)

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  • 7 months later...

So here is the first update in...well...ages...

I got married, I had a lot of cleaning up to do if you know what I mean (makes sense if you read the wall of text above), and I basically I was able to do just enough to keep the tanks alive. They suffered pretty badly while I was screwing around though. They are still alive but not without consequences. I didnt want to work on them much because they had gotten bad enough that I had created a monster. Let me just say that I know I wasnt responsible with these tanks and I regret it a LOT. Normally I take very good care of my tanks, if you look at my tanks before you'll know that. The 29 was thriving. But I like to make really huge drastic mistakes...


Being that the state of the tanks is a very visible reminder of my mistakes I am now really trying to get them up to where I want them to be.


The lights are almost done, the electronics is 99% done but Im currently building a new fixture for them. Fixture didnt turn out nearly how I liked so we paused building to do some figuring out. Since money ran dry in the meantime I will assemble the lights in this fixture and build something nicer later, migrating electronics will be relatively easy. will be on the tank soon. next week for sure. I will take pics of the final product.


So...fair warning...the tanks are bad, but they ARE being worked on, literally all my free time and free money (as little of both as there is) is going into my tanks trying to fix things one thing at a time.



This is the 75. Casualties included the rose urchin and linkia star. I lost three clowns to the insane heffer thats in there now, idk what to do with her...I've not cleaned the glass since theres not much reason as it has very little in it, just CUC and one clown. Lost some CUC because without being fed the tank got too clean and a bunch died off. Adding more CUC slowly as cash permits.



This is the 29 (warning, this may be graphic, its that bad). Ok not really but still. It looks ugly because its in limp mode. Im just trying to keep everything alive until it can move into the 75, hopefully a week from now. Ive got cheato in the back and in the display to try and starve the algae that are plaguing the tank. There were a LOT of casualties in this tank im sorry to say. I dont even want to go into them. For fish only a molly miller blenny remains and my fire shrimp is gone. Most of my coral survived (some of it even thrived...) but some casualties did happen, most of my nice birdsnest was consumed by algae.



Here are both tanks, things spread everywhere as I try to get them into shape.



Heres my [not so] little helper Koa. Hes a trooper and the best dog that ever lived.




So this is what Im fighting right now, Its an uphill battle to be sure but things are improving finally!

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Light should be finished today, will be taking some pics. It may not be finished wiring but the structural parts should be completed.


New sump/refugium will be drilled today for overflow but probably wont make it into the system quite yet, still have some things to work out.


UPDATE: Light is just waiting for final assembly, I want a hand putting the last few parts of the fixture together as they are a tricky and very precise fit. Tomorrow or thursday is looking like the day for that.


Decided on a final design for the sump/fuge system and am very pleased, just need to go buy a pair of large-ish bulkheads and an appropriately sized holesaw and then I can finish that up. I'm hoping to get a hand with that too as a decent amount of working needs to happen all at the same time and it requires completely removing the sump from the system temporarily so I want to have an extra pair of hands around to make sure it all goes smoothly!

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Just something real little. Manifold for controlling the flow is all done. Just getting everything done for this plumbing step.



Water comes out of the Mag 18 and goes into a blowoff valve inside the sump (not pictured). Then comes into this manifold at the inlet pointing towards the camera. Then the first outlet goes to the primary display, the second to the fuge and the third to the BC29. The two gate valves dont line up, damn PVC cement dried on me too quickly but it ended up working out, it makes it easier to turn the gate valves.


A second (much smaller) manifold may come off of one of these branches to feed the media reactors and such. For the moment a MJ 1200 does that duty.


In light news, the fixture should be assembled tomorrow. Ill post some pics of it when its done.

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So we finished the fixture...and my fears were rrealized. I used a circular saw to make the 45 degree cuts and they were not perfect. not terrible but not perfect. Well the result ended up pretty awful. One corner of the box is about an inch higher than the opposite corner...



So it went into a dumpster and we're starting over! This time using a table saw and nice Red Oak boards!


Sigh...oh well this one will look much nicer anyway.



Oh! and just to prove that these fabled lights do indeed exist, here is a test run of the white channel. You know how if you look at the sun it actually physically hurts? Well I was trying to get some temperature readings of the starboards and kept getting hit and its painful...its like flipping a switch and turning on daylight...thankfully they have dimmers! (but they werent connected so this is 100%)


For the record there are no other lights on in the room other than one small flourescent lamp which is shining down at the boards.




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So this is why I stopped working on my tanks...I get so F****** frustrated with them sometimes!


I drove 3 hours to borrow a table saw from my father so that I could make more precise cuts for this light fixture and avoid the problems we had with the first one. It still wont work. Theres no way to accurately cut a 4 foot piece of wood on a table saw, its just too long. I would need to use a miter saw (which neither of us have). I wouldnt normally trust a hardware store for precise work like this but Im going to try and watch the guy like a hawk and make sure he doesnt screw up $100 worth of red oak.


Ive run into every possible problem building this fixture and im about ready to lose it.

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so, happier post time!


All the pieces of the light fixture are cut and finished and hopefully we'll assemble tomorrow. Everything looks absolutely great. the wood is gorgeous, the edges are nicely routed and Im a bit OCD about sanding so everything is so smooth it makes a babys butt look like crocodile leather. (I went all the way up to 800 grit sandpaper...which is normally reserved for polishing metal... :rolleyes: )


Here's just a little preview, this is one of the legs which will hold the fixture over the tank. Its looking very professional and Im happy.






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  • 3 weeks later...




The Western Front (75g):

We have them on the run sir!


The Eastern Front (29g):

We are dug into the trenches. We push hard but the enemy is strong...but they have nowhere to run!



Battling the war on algae and other crap day after day. I think the tide is turning in my direction however [huzzah!]. I went to pull out some GHA the other day and it just came right off of the rock like it could have just been blown off by the pumps at any moment. Im hoping thats a sign that its dying. It at least doesnt seem to be growing more. If at all possible, I want to eliminate all the nasty pest algae before adding anything to the 75.


Here is my arsenal in the war on pests!

-peppermints, 3 in the 29g 2 in the 75g

-molly miller blenny to eat floating hydroids of aiptasia

-Aiptasia X for the really big guys

-Turbo's to combat the GHA

-Emerald crab for turf algae and bubble algae (added today!)

-Peroxide dosing daily to help kill algae, I add a 3ml to the 29g daily and inject it right on to trouble spots

-Alk injections in Xenia

-and of course, I feed very little, the tanks are lightly stocked and I am running a carbon/GFO reactor in the 75g and CPE/purigen in a mediabasket in the BC29

-also on a campaign of constantly trying to blow crap off of rocks and pull it out of the tank, will do another 20% change on the BC29 soon, hopefully this weekend.


I am in the midst of studying for exams so things have slowed a little bit, namely I havent had time to finish assembling the light but it is dangerously close to being done. All the parts are cut and final assembly should be about to begin.


Took a few pics to document the changes, I cant find the charger for my DSLR so these are some quick and dirty iphone pics.




So here is the 75, much improved. I've added a few CUC members but not too many as I am debating getting a full set from reefcleaners. Today I added a fire shrimp to the crew as the tank should be more than clean enough for one. The GHA here is probably more due to a lack of CUC than anything else, Ive added 4 turbos in the last couple of weeks though so it should be on the decline!


The new fire shrimp
The BC29 improves but still has a ways to go. (terrible pic I know...where is my charger!?!?!). To clarify, there is a little DIY rack built onto a small frag rack on the front glass to give me (another) place to grow cheato. On the left is a big frag rack which was full of frags and is now...not so full of frags...The tank overall isnt that bad but this pic isnt much evidence of that. That said, there is a lot of work to be done before its anywhere close to where I want it.
Some things have really done well, like this bali green slimer. Hes growing like a weed. You can see in this pic theres a lot of bubble algae though and some turf algae too. Nothing is in plague-like proportions anymore but there is still a lot of it.
And here is the shell for the light fixture, just need to add legs and guts and she'll be ready to go over the tank.


(EDIT: I have edited this post 15 times now)

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