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Coral Vue Hydros

CAD Lights


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Trying to purchase a 70g Artisan II system from Cad Lights. Have sent them three emails and a facebook message. Still no response. Emailed one of the dealers listed on their website... They stopped dealing with CAD Lights "for that exact reason" (told them about not receiving a response to emails/facebook messages).

I've never had this much trouble tying to give a company my money! Perhaps I should give it to someone else eh?

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Trying to purchase a 70g Artisan II system from Cad Lights. Have sent them three emails and a facebook message. Still no response. Emailed one of the dealers listed on their website... They stopped dealing with CAD Lights "for that exact reason" (told them about not receiving a response to emails/facebook messages).


I've never had this much trouble tying to give a company my money! Perhaps I should give it to someone else eh?



I agree, there are plenty of systems out there to choose from.

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Time to go to a Solana 67 XL. You'll get a better stand and can choice a better light.



Who sells this tank? I haven't been able to find it

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Time to go to a Solana 67 XL. You'll get a better stand and can choice a better light.


I'm limited to a 36" tank, the 67XL is 48" I believe :( Light doesn't matter as I'm planning on 1-2 Radions :)

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hmm. crap. i was going to hit them up for my custom tank. really liked their tanks at MAX. Stands were garbage, but I only need a tank anyway.

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Apparently their delay in responding to me, and at least one other person that posted on their facebook page, is due to the show. Eddie said they are working on getting caught up with messages from the weekend.


I can understand that, so I'll give them the benefit of the doubt...for now.


Why are their stands garbage? Are they really terrible (as in unsafe 1/2" particle board) or is just "better" stuff out there?

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Why are their stands garbage? Are they really terrible (as in unsafe 1/2" particle board) or is just "better" stuff out there?


The one they had at the show under 120G looked super nice on the outside, but I went to open it and the doors were barely attached (maybe they did not adjust the hinges) and the whole construction seemed too flimsy to support a 120G glass tank. I dunno... I would want something more solid under a tank that weights 200lbs empty. Perhaps those stands would work much better for smaller tanks

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Thanks for the info, I'll have to keep it in mind when talking to Eddie.


I'd build my own, but the girlfriend wants it to be "furniture grade"!

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I've never had this much trouble tying to give a company my money! Perhaps I should give it to someone else eh?

That's how I ended up with a CAD.

The alternative source.

Used a dealer.



I like my glass box.

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Apparently their delay in responding to me, and at least one other person that posted on their facebook page, is due to the show. Eddie said they are working on getting caught up with messages from the weekend.


I can understand that, so I'll give them the benefit of the doubt...for now.


Why are their stands garbage? Are they really terrible (as in unsafe 1/2" particle board) or is just "better" stuff out there?


Their service is a joke. Why give them the benefit of the doubt when they're known for excuses? It isn't going to get better after they get your money...


Regarding the stands, it's your typical press board stuff. The added bonus is getting no instructions for assembly. Not that it's terribly difficult to figure out, but if parts are missing (which is a CAD Lights specialty) it can be frustrating.

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Was finally able to get Eddie to respond to my second email... He answered the rest of my questions... Not happy with some of the answers... Apparently the delay in responding to my emails is due to me requesting him (Eddie) help me, which is understandable.


Warranty on tank is only good if I buy/use their stand.

Shipping is $225, I'm about 500 miles from their location. Oddly enough he quoted someone the same shipping to Florida, about 2,500 miles. Don't understand that one!

The free bio reactor deal is only good if you buy the complete package (don't want their LED fixture).

We are both in California...he wouldn't budge on sales tax at all.


Losing the free bio reactor, crazy shipping and the sales tax about kill the deal for me. If he doesn't budge on something I'll have to figure something else out.


Who else manufactures tanks similar to those of Cad Lights?

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You'd think everyone would know to use that Stevie... IM had the same issue though, out of town for the weekend and no response to emails.



Sadly my LFS doesn't manufacture tanks, only sells crappy Aqueon products.


Was considering having a custom Oceanic Illuminata made, with starfire front/sides, but the tank has been discontinued :(

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As I just got done telling Eddie...


If I have to pay $225 to ship the tank, sales tax, lose the free bio-reactor and their stand only comes in dark walnut or gloss white... I have no incentive to purchase anything but the tank from him and fully customize everything else (and pay no shipping/sales tax).


Hoping he can do something to make it worth me buying more from him, but for some reason I don't have high hopes :(


My current AR-15 build is starting to add up...if Eddie doesn't hurry up and sell me something I may run out of "new aquarium" money >_>

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I'm not sure what you expect them to do about sales tax. I don't think you'd push for a tax free purchase at Best Buy. Freight shipping is expensive, even if it's within the same state. However, I know they were shipping via UPS at one point; so I'd ask how they intend to ship your package.


Wow, I just looked at the CAD Lights website and noticed they hiked up the prices across the board on Artisan tanks, including shipping charges.

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I'm not sure what you expect them to do about sales tax. I don't think you'd push for a tax free purchase at Best Buy. Freight shipping is expensive, even if it's within the same state. However, I know they were shipping via UPS at one point; so I'd ask how they intend to ship your package.


Wow, I just looked at the CAD Lights website and noticed they hiked up the prices across the board on Artisan tanks, including shipping charges.


When dealing with a small, privately owned, business they have the option of including sales tax (giving the customer a discount essentially). Do it all the time where I work... You'd be surprised how often you can get out of sales tax (as a customer).


Asked about their packaging and what not, but not which carrier they use, I'll have to ask. It can't cost the same to ship something 500 miles as it does 2,500 miles... No way.


Don't have the time drive down to the LA area :(

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Short haul freight rates are significantly higher than long hauls, so the gap isn't as big as one might think. Especially when a good portion of cost is based on crating and residential service.


Customer service is often proportional to what you pay. Once that profit margin starts disappearing, so does the incentive for a company to work with you. I wouldn't expect them to jump through hoops in communicating when you're asking for an extra discount on the product, extra discount on the shipping, and a free throw in product on top.


And don't get me wrong, I'm all for hunting down a good deal. Isn't there a really good builder (Steve something?) in the Sacramento area? I've seen some of his tanks on Reef Central. They looked great, and being local would certainly help.

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I've worked for the same guy for 10 years and he has owned the business for 30, customer service is, literally, everything to us. I tend to expect no less when dealing with other companies, not always a good thing though :( Times are tough, especially on a small private business. I expect every hoop to be jumped through for my money, just as I do where I work. Customers are what makes a business and they deserve to be treated so.


I'll try to find out about the tank guy, never heard of him though. Local would be great!

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Customer service is, or at least should, be important. It just doesn't seem to be the case with those offering bargain priced products. Customers often roll the dice with bad reviews due to low prices. Glass-cages comes to mind here.


I mixed up the name, sorry. Steve is the gentleman building my aquarium. Your local builder is named Keith Grandt, and his company is called Signature Aquariums located in Sacramento. Check him out, his work is very nice.

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I'll try to look up Keith when time allows.


Still no word back from Eddie. He may be ready to blow me off, if he hasn't already :D



Looks like Keith's business name is Signature Aquariums.

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