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300W Halogen Light, Good or Bad????


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I was in a hardware store and saw a 300 watt Halogen Light in one of those "cube-like" reflector fixtures. It was only like $9.99, is this a waste of my $$$$$$. I would place it over a 10 gallon refugium with some chateo in it.


I currently run 1 13w PC over it with a reverse photoperiod. I have had the chateo in there for about 4 weeks now and haven't seen much growth if any. I keep telling myself to be patient but everyone I hear from says this stuff grows like crazy.


Anyways back to the light.... use it??? or lose it???

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It is probably too much light for your fuge! The color temp is urine yellow, but I actually saw better growth of my chaeto under halogen then PC. the main problem with halogen is THEY GET HOT!!!! I mean HOT!!! The tiny 20W halogen over my fuge was raising my tank temp 4F.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thats not a good choice. First off its too much light and its the wrong color. Helios makes some cheap refugium lights.

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The wrong color? How?


The 10k and up lamps we put on our tanks are more a function of aesthetics than what is best for the animals.


I do agree with the heat problem though. Those things get HOT!

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Some people say the lower kelvin lights (2700K) promote algae growth...I never saw it in my fuge!


Just way to hot!

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