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Death From Above!


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Got my order from ReefCleaner.org today. As usual, ton of extras!!!!


Got them acclimated per their instructions and it was like death from above dropping them in the tank. John and the crew there give these guys a great talking to before they ship them. They got to work right away. I'd say 60% of my order hit the ground running. With in 5 minutes I had snails on the glass, roaming the live rock, Emerald crab was plucking huge chunks of thick hair algae off the live rock. I could not be more pleased. Although did have one Gomer Pyle snail mow right across my Zoo frag.... :o






Gomer Pyle mowing my zoo's



Emerald Crab is already busy plucking away


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That's a lot of GHA! Try plucking the sanded GHA with your fingers. It's extremely east and satisfying.

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That's a lot of GHA! Try plucking the sanded GHA with your fingers. It's extremely east and satisfying.


Its just gotten long enough to pick up in the last couple days. I my just skim off a little sand with it to clear it off.

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No, you definitely want to pick it out. Snails can only do so much ime


I realize that. It just started getting big enough to be able to grab. Sundays attempt just led to the stuff disintegrating in my fingers.

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save your fingers and use a 1/4 inch nylon tube from lowes, (same as airline tubing), and siphon it out when you do your water changes. Or pick with the siphon and it vacuums it up so you don't have to chase it down with a net.

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save your fingers and use a 1/4 inch nylon tube from lowes, (same as airline tubing), and siphon it out when you do your water changes. Or pick with the siphon and it vacuums it up so you don't have to chase it down with a net.


Ok, so I figured I'd give them a week before I stepped in and messed with it. Well lets just say, no need to do that. John, the CUC you send me has knocked down about 80% of the GHA on the sand in less than a week and is working diligently on the live rock. Should be pretty we gone by the weekend.


Big!!! smiley20.gif


Pics to come soon.

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