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Pod Your Reef

Shane and John's Softy only Wet Dream


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So this is our entry for the contest. We had this Pico set up before a cpl years ago in Johns room and then we got him his Solana. We held on to this pico with all of the equipment and stored it in the garage.

I was in a car accident 17 years ago and have had 6 knee surgeries on my right knee. It was finally time for it to be replaced, so with the upcoming surgery I knew I would not be able to maintain both of our tanks. We sold our 120 gallon reef and just kept the Solana. I had a successful knee replacement and have been in recovery mode. It has been 25 days and I am BORED Stiff. With that said, I saw the contest thread and knew this would be something I could participate in without having to have a lot of help.

So off to the garage I went to locate the tank...Wow, This thing is smaller than I remember.

This will be an all stock tank. PC lighting with a HOB overflow,25 watt heater and Digital thermometer.

I found a box of dry rock and a 2lb rock that would work. We went to the LFS and got a bag of Live sand.

The Solana has only LPS and higher end corals so we decided to make this a Softy only tank. As far as our stocking plans for inverts we are still undecided. We don't even know if we will have a fish yet or not.

Today we set it up and the Cycle now begins. So far we are into this contest for just the cost of the sand. If we find we enjoy having a Nano then after the contest we will get a Nice tank with LED lighting and transfer over its contents.

The 3 gallon is Acrylic and has a lot of scratches in it...UGG....but it's to be expected having a 12 year maintain his own set up years ago.

This is my first time posting pics and I have never even attempted to make a video, but with Johns help I think we will get it figured out...


I need help figuring out how to post pics. We took them with my IPAD and I'm struggling...Please help me....

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Builder Anthony

copy paste your pictures 2 desktop


create photobucket account


sign in pb


hit upload button in pb it will ask where u want 2 upload from,desktop,select photos hit enter,after uploaded view albums then make that screen 50 percent keeping it open then openanother,internetxplorer and go to nanoreefs,to yourthread ,make screen50percent so 2 ie r open COPY the img in pb then paste in your thread,hit add reply and u should see it

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Thanks for your input..I think I will snap some pics and upload them thru my wife's laptop when I get some time!

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Subscribed...Welcome to the contest, hopefully it'll make for a faster, easier recovery! Good Luck!


Also, could you possibly edit your first post to have "My Entry for the 3 and Under Pico Contest" as the subscript of your title? Thanks!


Contest Judge


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Thank you Meta...That is the goal,To occupy some of my time. I spend many hrs a day on a few different Saltwater related forums and this has become my favorite by far!

Please bare with me as this is the first time I have ever done a contest like this. I am more of a reader than a poster..lol



Pics will be posted later today.......Thanks......Shane. :)

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Execllent, because this is my first time Judging a contest like this! Haha...And remember, pics are definately crucial to be able to judge fairly, so don't be shy! ;)

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Well we took a few pics today just to give an idea of what we have going on..Wow...The scratches in the acrylic really do show up.. now its just cycle time..I wont even test for atleast a week.

This is a full tank shot and full equiptment shot....Nothing fancy here, Just a little project to keep me from going Stir Crazy




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Looks very clean on that table. Does that little cave in front go all the way through to the right side?

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Meta....yes,the little cave does go all the way through. It is a very small pass thru though.

I had forgotten how hard it is to be patient though.LOL. We made a trip to our favorite saltwater store and saw soo many nano fish and corals in stock. I had to remind myself that patience is the key to this hobby!!!!

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Builder Anthony

well glad you got the picture thing all worked out.theres like a bunch of people that started 3 gallon tanks i dont even know how many but the list is full of them.good luck.


he will if i get some high end things.....because he will want to sell them.

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This waiting to cycle and stock sucks..lol...can't wait to get some things growing.

I think I am going to set up an ATO for this tank. We even have the little cover on it and it is evaporating like crazy. Do they make a smaller float switch other than the stock ones that come with the JBJ unit? Are there any other options? We already have an extra JBJ that is not being used but it looks like float switch is going to be very large in this small of a tank.



What do other reefers use in their small tanks?

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Well the cycle is going faster than We expected. We have had a Diatom Explosion in the last 24 hrs. Today is only day 6 of this tanks initial set up.Looking forward to start adding our clean up crew!!

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Sure enough bud...wow...small world..


I saw this contest and said F**K it, I will keep it and set it up, why not!!


It didn't cost me a thing except the substrate. It's got more scratches that I remembered,but if we like it we will just buy a new tank after the contest is over and transfer everything over.


It's something to occupy my time, along with a DIY LED build for our Solana.


There is an interesting thread over there that has motivated me. I have had lots of help and guidance from some fellow reefers so onward with it!!


Thanks for stopping buy and checking it out!!!


Shane :)

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This is just a quick update. My whole tank is brown...this is the largest diatom bloom I have haver had when cycling a tank...WOW. It's almost done cycling so I am right on track with the timeline set!!


Sure can't wait to get a CUC going and clean this thing up. Damn, it's ugly to look at!!!

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Well all peramiters are good so tomorrow will be water change day!! It will be good to scrub the diatioms off of the glass and be able to get a CUC going. I have been reading thru the posts here and think I have a good Idea of what we will use..


All Snails"...............NO Crabs."............... We wouldn't want Johns dream Spoiled by crabs..:):):)



I have some snails in the 34 that are covered in Coraline, So that will be a great way to introduce it into this new system.


Corals will be soon to follow!!

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Well today is the Big day.. Stocking day...YAY


I will be going to a friends house today and she said she wants to hook me up.


IDK what I will even come home with to stock it , so it's almost like Christmas..:)


I might even take a trip to get a CUC...well see......

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