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Premium Aquatics Aquarium Supplies

Drilling Tanks


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I plan to setup two ten gallon tanks, one above the other on the same stand. The lower tank will be a refugium, the upper tank will harbor hard corals and, maybe, an anemone ( I hear they are difficult and unethical to keep). Anyway I want to have both tanks drilled. I need advice about what size bulkheads to use and what size holes to have drilled. Also, would it be best to drill then on the backsides of the aquaria or on the bottoms?





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1) Backside. If you have it on the bottom, then theoretically all the water in your tank can drain out. If you have it on the back with a siphon break, then only so much water can drain in the event of a power failure.


2) I wouldn't think you'd need bulkheads more than an inch in diameter, but check with someone on that...I'm not so sure, so don't take my word on that as set in stone.


3) If you can find someone to professionally drill the tanks for you, it's worth it to shell out the money (unless you yourself know how to do it.) Drilling tanks is a bit tricky, and requires special tools, so do some research on how to do that before you dive right in.


Other than that, good luck!

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