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1 1/2 wk old mini reef


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Hey!. Check out my mini reef. tell me what you think. i just purchased a 5 gallon tank the other week and decided to set this up. Includes 2 50-50 mini compact lights. umm. has a couple polys. One bubble coral. and a bunch of dusters. any suggestions as to whatelse i should put in there??????

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U stated that u got the tank "the other week"? How long has it been setup for? Has the tank cycled yet? The reason i ask is coz from your statement, it sounds like ur tank hasn't been setup for long and if that is the case you might want to wait till ur tank is completely cycled before you add anything else to it.




ps. Nice Bubble by the way... ;)

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umm. i just got the tank. it should be cycled already. ive added a bio-wheel that was orginally from my friends tank. and i used his water too. so. hopefully. its established. the nirtate levels havent peaked at all. nor has it even risen that much yet. it seems like the batceria is well established. =) why wait to condition a tank when you can go next door right? tell me if im wrong or not.. i need some feed back =) thanks

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but.. the they've all been living happily for a week. i had a damsel helping with the cycle but removed it after putting in the bubble.

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nitrate levels dont rise until the tank is cycled (or near cycled) nor does it peak, it just continues to rise... maybe you should be checking other parameters...


plus water doesnt contain beneficial bacteria... surfaces like liverock and such do... all that biowheel did was give you unnecessary gunk


bye bye bubble and hello cyno


no more comments...:|

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but i got the liverock from his tank too...5 lbs of it.... im not understanding this.... if every single thing is from an established tank that is just transferred to a miniture tank... wouldnt it survive then? even the sand is from his tank...... i even included some bio balls from his wet dry filter and put it in my filter... is it still gonna die?

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ok, i didnt realize the LR was from there too. i thought it was new liverock, and if that had been the case then there would have been dieoff on the rock which would have continued for a while. but you should check all other parameters and still wait until you add more corals. maybe you could add a small clean up crew for now

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hey typrboi, i made the quick move to place corals in an "unestablished tank," but luckily everything went well. Don't give up. Keep a good watch on the chemistry of your tank and you should do well!

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From what I have read in my humble new beginnings of nano reefing about a year ago nitrate does spike, but it seems now people believe that it doesn`t.... just sems weired rant off.

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thanks pete and razin kane...... yeah.. i have five blue leg hermet crabs running round in there... waiting before i add more frags.. ill post more pics later this week of new editions if all goes well =).

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well i just returned from a trip where i was gone for 5 days... the bubble is flourshing. as well as all the other coral life in the tank. i have recently added another light. a 10K power compact 13 watt.

they seem to be enjoying it with the other 50/50 10watt power compact and 50/50 18in flor. ill post a pic after my waterchange


2 wks going strong =)

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Its about to be three weeks old and everything is just great. heres a pic of the bubble waking up. it seems to have grown a bit. :P

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yesterday everything was fine... today, my whole tank is swamped with little white creatures, on the glass and sand. they look like little worms moving less than a milimeter long.. alot of them seem to be on the glass around the light source... what the heck are they????????????? are they offsprings from feather dusters or somthing??? cuz i have cured LR and hte only other organisms in there are crabs, some polys, and one bubble coral.




you can see the little specks on the last pic. top right side. please help

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here are the lil white things... they move pretty fast in the sand too... like kinda swimming and running at the same time... its like my whole tank is alive... and its only been three wks.. are these things bad?????

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prob copepods....i have millions

their population skyy rockets when there isnt much current along the glass or if i havent cleaned the glass for a while.

they are really good...


Id be careful placing things in your 5 b/c once the bubble grows a bit more it will sting the crap out of everything in the tank

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