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Cultivated Reef

6 week old nano - 10g


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8 lb LR

201 power head

AC 150

Live Sand (not sure how much)

2 Hermits

3 turbo snails

1 haitian reef anem

Lots of xenia

Too much bubble algae on live rock too :)

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Love your new tank. I have a 10 gal that 5 months old. I have about 5 lbs of live rock but need a few more pieces. The only coral I have is on green mushroom. I want to get more mushrooms too.


You say that you have lots of Xenia in your tank. If I have two 20 watt 50/50 mini compact coralife bulbs in my tank would that be enough for some Xenia?


Also your powerhead, do you have that running all the time? If so how strong is the flow of it coming out into the tank?



I am using one mini aquar clear filter and would like to add a powerhead but don't want to blow everythig out of the tank doing it.



Bugsy :)

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1. not lots of xenia, but a decent amount that came on the LR and Xenia grows like a weed...so it was a preemptive comment on the amount of xenia that will potentially be there.


2. I have a coralife 96w power quad 50/50 on my 10 gallon. I dont think the xenia will thrive in 40wpg but I think it will manage.


3. I have a AC 150 on one side, and a power head (201) on the other that is on at all times to keep a stable circulation for my corals and for potential coraline algae spreading. The fish avoid the main stream of the powerhead and there arent really any problems. It also helps the bottom of the tank from becoming stagnant which can lead to build up of dietris (sp) and other dirt particles.

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looks good! Are you planning on adding more rock? If it were my tank, I'd add probably about 15 more pounds. Also, what sort of filtration, skimmer will you be using?


reason i'm asking is cause i've got a 10 gallon tank taht's fresh water right now and after my 6 gal gets up and running, that's my next project.

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