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Cultivated Reef

Pinkish/Purpleish ochtodes


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I just got my ochtodes and I've had them for about a day but parts of the ochtodes are pink. It is pretty much half pink and half purple. Some parts are pink and slowly turning into purple. Does anyone know what this means since I thought they were supposed to be purplish blue? They are under a good flow and strong light. I've posted some pics but sorry about the quality.




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They should color up to purpleish blue with time. In shipping ochtodes usually will turn a pinkish color fro stress and lack of light. Mine in my tank are extremely purple, with very few hints of blue. Also there may be another kind of macro growing in them as well. They are prone to "catch floating objects" as they pass into them.


Hope that helps.




I just got my ochtodes and I've had them for about a day but parts of the ochtodes are pink. It is pretty much half pink and half purple. Some parts are pink and slowly turning into purple. Does anyone know what this means since I thought they were supposed to be purplish blue? They are under a good flow and strong light. I've posted some pics but sorry about the quality.

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